Lagos Island hosts Seminar

LAGOS ISLAND CENTER REPORT November 2021 - January 2022.

INTRODUCTION: We give God the glory for giving us the grace to pass through the last year and enter into another promising year 2022. Last year has been a challenging year for Lagos Island Center of Bear Valley Project as our number of students keeps dwindling. It was a great year too as we hosted the Median Edition of Lagos Schools Annual Seminar. We also thank Bro Keith Kasarjian for his visit in November which was a great encouragement to our work in Nigeria. 

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: Our classes had been very successful in the last three months as usual, with Oluwafemi Adewuyi teaching Homiletics 1, Christian Ethics, and James Luka guiding the students through the Life of Christ 1 (Book of Matthew). From this weekend, Tim Iwe started the Book of Acts with the students. This makes 29 courses taken so far in our center. We had a new student start with us in November. His name is Onyedikachi Anya. 

CAMPAIGN PROGRAM/MARKET EVANGELISM: We hosted the Median Edition of three schools in Lagos who came together to have a Seminar. The Theme was “MOVING LAGOS CHURCHES TO THE NEXT LEVEL.” We looked into the ‘Simple Aids to Bible Understanding and Application’ by Solomon Usim. Also, Bro Joshua Otola Ogbu spoke on  ‘Synergizing the work of the church among Ministers and Workers in the churches in Lagos’. The feedback from participants was encouraging. 

 WBS ONLINE STUDY HELPER: I will ever be grateful to God for the Online WBS tools for evangelism. Kris Dille in answering the question about why he believes in creation stated that “This is a hard question for me. I grew up believing in the big bang (non-Christian household), but with my belief in God and reading Genesis (too many times to count), I believe that the universe was started by God We are happy to help somebody to come to this realization and even add that the work was done by God. The work continues. 

Active Students: 138

Under Follow Up: 2

Competed Lessons: 4682

Certificates Awarded: 1170

Baptism:  1

CONCLUSION: Despite the challenges in the present time, we give thanks to God for the school's progress in these few months. Without the constant support we've received, BV Lagos Island would not have gotten this far. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your honest, spiritual, financial, and material assistance. We are eternally grateful to each and every one of you. The main gratitude belongs to God.

Thanks and God bless you. 


Lagos Island Center Director

Posted on February 10, 2022 .