Jason and I finished the regular school term on the 21st of October at the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa. Jason finished up his study of the Greek language. I taught a class on Critical Thinking in which we did a brief survey of rhetoric, argumentation, logic, and fallacies. The purpose of the course was to help our students think more critically so as to evaluate the arguments and propositions used by others and be able to determine their validity. Another goal of the class was to help them form better propositions and arguments so as to more effectively communicate the truth of God’s word.
Following the close of the regular term we were privileged to have two short course teachers come to us from Jackson, Mississippi. We had Andy Dulaney, his wonderful wife Dana, and Derek Broome were able to come to Fiji to help us out. Andy serves as an elder of the Lord’s church and Derek as an associate minister. Andy and Dana are no strangers to Fiji and have made several previous trips. However, this was Derek’s first time in Fiji, though he has previous mission experience in Europe and Central America. Andy taught a course for us on the Parables of Matthew’s Gospel and Derek taught First Corinthians. Both did an excellent job. Dana was an encouragement to Debbie and Devan as well as conducting a lady’s devotional for the ladies at Raiwaqa.
Andy, Dana, and Derek were able to help us celebrate our 2022 graduation. We were very fortunate to have two graduates this year from the village of Vatudamu on the northern island of Vanua Levu. Romulus and Meriani O’Brien are a husband and wife team who have six children. They were able to persevere in spite of the challenges posed to us by the Covid19 lock downs of 2021 to complete their course requirements. On Tuesday evening, October 25 we had a banquet at the school in their honor. The staff, students, and their wives came together to help them celebrate their well-deserved achievement. Upon completion of their program it is Romulus and Meriani’s plan to return to the village where Romulus will resume his duties as the local evangelist. We look forward to great things from this dedicated Christian couple.