We remain grateful to God for what the school was able to do in the month. Classes progressed well without much of a challenge. Evangelism and projects continued as well. These and more are covered hereunder.
The following subjects are being done this term; Prison Epistles, Hermeneutics, Sign Language, Music, Galatians, Christian Evidence, Horticulture, Homiletics, Books of History, Acts, and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Most of the subjects were completed successfully. Great appreciation for the teachers and students for the effort put in.
Evangelism efforts usually reach a climax through our annual field practice. This field program ended in October with the graduation of the previous class. The current class which is in its second term will begin its evangelism efforts next term through weekend evangelism. Currently, however, the class is servicing 3 congregations namely; Lot 64, Shurugwi, and Plasworth. Congregations that wish to benefit from this program have an opportunity to be served as well.
The school is running the following projects; goat project, layers project, broilers project, and market gardening. This month we report on the maize project and market gardening.
The school was able to plant a hectare of maize when the first rains fell in November. We had targeted to plant 2-3 hectares but funds to purchase inputs had been elusive. Our harvests in the past two seasons had not enabled the school to buy maize. The school had enough for its kitchen needs whilst some ended up being used for the poultry project without much of a challenge. We also hope to plant about 2 acres of beans in January.
Sweet potatoes were also planted in the month. Planting of this crop will continue as there are no costs involved. Depending with the harvest, If there will be more, the excess can be sold.
Progress continued to be made in our horticulture projects. Tomatoes, cabbages, onions, and lettuce were sold in the month. Tomatoes could not fetch much as the market was flooded with them. Besides benefitting extra income from the sales and food for the students, the students are also learning life survival skills.
Towards the end of November, more tomatoes, cucumbers, and butternuts were planted.
In the next few months, we shall be tracing the whereabouts of our graduates. This month we begin with Takudzwa Chikuni who began his studies with the school in 2018 and completed his course in 2020. Takudzwa went on to graduate in October 2021. He enrolled as one of the youngest students the school ever had. His zeal for the work is contagious and unquestionable. He is both a powerful speaker and song leader. Soon after leaving school and prior to his graduation, during the Covid era, he went to his home area of Maware in Chivhu where he became a full-time preacher for the congregation. He was working under the late Abednego Mugweni. During this time he was being partly supported by Dr. Campion Mugweni whilst at the same time getting income from gardening and having a small grocery shop at the Maware business center.
Takudzwa transferred to Sharara church of Christ, a rural congregation, in January 2022 and got married to his wife Tanatswa Tania Muromba in March 2022. He went to Sharara to replace another seasoned preacher Damson Siwedi who had moved to Mupudzi Church of Christ some months before. Takudzwa and his wife are happily working together for Christ. Apart from preaching the gospel in the Sharara area, he teaches Family and Religious studies at Sharara Secondary school. In terms of life survival skills, Takudzwa has continued with his garden project, runs a small grocery shop for the community, and has added a road runner (free range) chicken project to the mix. This summer season, he and his wife have already planted one hectare of maize for their sustainability. Soon after joining the Sharara Church of Christ, Takudzwa mobilized resources from the brotherhood in an attempt to extend the church building. This has been a success. Besides this, he has been able to run several programs including a lectureship for the congregation. The young man is blooming in a rural setting and the work is growing. The congregation has an average attendance of 150 people.
When all is said and done, we continue to thank God for what he continues to do through BVBIZ and through your support financially, morally, and spiritually. We continue to see progress in the students, the graduates, and the fulfillment of the curriculum requirements. Thank you all and may God continue to bless you abundantly.