Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mold labourers for this daunting task. The agenda is to continue equipping faithful men and women for this cause. In the month of September, BVBIZ continued to advance this agenda in a variety ways. Of course, this could not have been possible without the partnership we share with you. This report is a capsule of some of the things the school was able to do in September.
The new term began on the 5th of September. All students came back to school. The following subjects are being taught this term; Homiletics 1, Hermeneutics 1, Acts of the Apostles, OT History (Joshua-Esther), Galatians (SC), 1 & 2 Thessalonians (SC), Entrepreneurship Skills Development 1(SC), Introduction to computers , Sign Language and Horticulture (SC)
BVBIZ continues with its drive to have different project on site. Besides providing some income to the school, one of their purposes is to provide life survival skills to the students. The horticulture and broiler projects are ongoing but this month we report on two of the projects
The school had always wanted to have a fish project within its portfolio of projects. The digging of fish ponds has started.
The layers project rolled to life in on the 15th of September. From the funds that you donated, 150 birds were bought from the target of 300. Despite the inability to meet the target, those bought will make a difference. Production is now averaging 110 eggs per day. BVBIZ wishes to thank those who made this project a reality.
Preachers Retreat
There shall be a preachers retreat scheduled to take place from the 26th -28th of October. All preachers are invited to attend this program. Several programs geared towards rejuvenating the preacher and his ministry are on the cards. More details with regard to this program shall be made in the subsequent report.
The school shall hold its third graduation ceremony on the 29th of October beginning at 10am. All stakeholders are being invited to this momentous occasion. The graduation will be pressed by the BVBIZ’s first ever graduation lecture which will take place at 4.30pm on the 28th of the same month. This lecture is code named the Isaiah Suwari Memorial lecture. The intention is to keep on instilling the BVBIZ founding principles alive as the school remembers its pioneer. All are invited.
Sign Language Training
The school shall host sign language training for all preachers from the 22nd -26th of October. BVBIZ’s emphasis in sign language training is bearing fruit as many are graduating with this necessary skill. Everyone in the world has a right to salvation despite any physical challenge. BVBIZ is slowly becoming a panacea in this area. This training will precede the preacher’s retreat and graduation as highlighted above. Each participant will be asked to pay $20.
On the 10th of September, leaders from various congregations in Mashonaland West converged in Kadoma for a leadership training workshop. Over 40 men attended. Almost every congregation in the province was represented. The main concern was church administration and governance. The BVBIZ director was privileged to be the facilitator of the program on the day.
Both full time and part time continued with their evangelism practicum in September. Great appreciation continues to go the congregations hosting these students through their provision of food, accommodation and their general upkeep. 15 were baptized whilst 8 were restored. To God be the glory!