Dear fellow servants of the Most High God.
Greetings to you all from the students and staff of BVBIN & SWSE – Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW in Western States of Nigeria.
Below is the report of some of our activities for this month of September 2022.
Our year-1 students continued in the evangelization of eight different centers throughout the weekends in the months of August and September 2022 in Oyo and Osun states while the year -2 students who are in their 3rd year of training continued in the practical part of their training by assisting some young congregations within the Western States of Nigeria.
One of our year -1 students named Bro. Adeyemo Olusegun recorded two conversions at Ilaro Congregation, Ogun State where he served in August and September while Bro. Kayode Eniafe and his group got two conversions on September 25, 2022 at Felele-rab,Ibadan and we in Butubutu group converted a soul on September 29. To God be the glory.
This first semester classes for 2022/23 session ended as scheduled on Oct. 30, 2022. Bro. Isaac Olaniyan handled LOC 1 (Matthew), OT & NT survey and 1st, 2nd & 3rd John; Bro. Kayode Eniafe handled scheme of Redemption, OTH (Joshua – Esther) and OT wisdom 1 (Job&Eccl.); Bro. Makinde John handled Research & Writing 1 and NT church 1; Bro. Andrew Adeolu handled The Pentateuch, Denominational Doctrines and Godhead; Bro. Oladokun Samuel handled Acapella songs, while I, Bro. Makinde Ebens handled Evangelism 1 (Personal Evangelism), Prison Epistles(Ephesians – Philemon), Systematic Theology and Church Problems.
All our year -1 students will embark on a month vocational training from Oct. 1 through 28, 2022. Second semester classes will commence Lord’s willing on Oct.31 through Dec. 16, 2022.
Over 5000 copies of VOTI Vol. 114 were freely distributed in the first week of September 2022 to churches of Christ and friends of the Lord’s Church across the country of Nigeria. About 60% of the recipients have confirmed the receipt of their packages. One of the recipients, Bro. M.B Archbong reports the conversion of four souls by the use of VOTI booklets.
The remaining VOTI volume 114 will be used during our forthcoming gospel meetings in Oyo, Osun , Ogun and Ekiti states on October Lord’s willing.
1.Bro. Olorode Samuel of Ajagba congregation report the conversion of a middle age brother in his area of work as the result of his follow-up in Ajagba community on Sept 16, 2022.
2.Bro. Akilapa Stephen report the extension of his WBSFUW to villages and towns, outside Ondo town where over 100 WBS introduction lessons was shared and collected back within the month of September 2022.
3. Bro. Godwin Johnson of Ode- Aye congregation in Ondo State report the conversions of three young girls in the month of September as the result of his regular follow up in Ode- Aye and Okitipupa towns.
4.Bro. Benson Balogun of Asejire congregation, Ondo State report the conversion of two souls at Ofosu as the result of his joint effort with Bro. Peter Ortserga on Sept. 19, 2022.
Our WBSFUW team in Ibadan also visited three high Schools in Apomu and Ikoyi towns in Osun State to share 63 WBS Correspondence Courses to students of West Olive church of Christ,AZ % Bro. Bob Milstead on September 20 and 23,2022.
We deeply appreciate your kind gestures and support toward the growth of the Lord’s Kingdom in Africa and the world in general. May the Lord continue to bless our work together in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
I remain yours in His grace as a servant.
Makinde Ebens