We continue to enjoy countless blessings and successes in Bear Valley Tamale as the Lord almighty continually releases His unmerited favors and mercies upon us. The month of August 2022, was a month of another great sign of encouragement of a great future for the preaching school in Tamale and the local congregation respectively. We indeed had a very eventful month that gave us hope for the future. May God be praised forever, Amen.
Donation: The church witnessed many signs of maturity in the lives of the members as we continue to grow as a congregation. A female member of the congregation donated ten (10) pieces and children chairs to the congregation to help our children have good seats to sit on. We bless the Lord for her life. She asked the church not to disclose her identity, thank you Jesus.
Building project: With support of our Brother and friend Steven Ashcraft and others as well as the efforts of the church, construction work is speedily advancing to the glory of God. Wiring pipes are laid internally for wiring work in the month of August, while plastering work is speedily done as well. We pray for long life, good health and both spiritual and physical blessings be released into the lives of all who are making efforts for the growth and development of the Lord’s Church in Tamale Kpalsi South and all other places.
In the month of August also, funds were released for the continued plastering work on the school building fence wall. The school building as we know is in a square land, which is fully fenced nicely. One and half portions of the fence has already been plastered. In the month of August, the other half and another full portion of it was plastered successfully. We hope in the near future, the Lord will make a way for us to finish with the last part of it to complete all the eternal plastering work of the fence wall.
We embarked on a major campaign for students and a visitation journey in the month of August across some major areas in Northern Ghana. It was a very fruitful Journey as many congregants, leaders and preachers of the Lord’s church were strengthened. This journey was done by Brother Albert and James respectively, who are both resident staff of Bear Valley Tamale.
We began the journey from Sogon number one and two through to Chamba. From Chamba, we came to Salaga District where we touched on places like Koani, Kulpy and its environs where congregations are located. We continued our journey through Kpandai to Bimbila and its stretch through to Yendi. We proceeded to Zabzugu, Tatale, Sanguli, Mbolado and its localities where we spent the first day of week which fell on the 21st of August with the Mbolado and Jomoani congregations. While Brother Albert worshiped with the Jomoani Congregation, Brother James was with the Mbolado congregations respectively. Nearby communities that have congregations all came together at these two congregations to receive strengthening from these two brethren. The participation at these two congregations was great, encouraging and edifying respectively.
We continued with the journey on the 22nd of August to Yendi through Gushiegu to Gbingbani in the NorthEast Region, where we had another great evening Bible studies with the congregation and lodged there till the following day. We moved through Bunkurugu through Konkyengbura congregation to Kpinkpanyoung Congregation in the Upper East Region. Indeed it was a great experience to us who were privileged by the grace of God to be part of this wonderful and inspiring journey that was done in the interest of Christ. We met with some preachers at the Bazua Christian Mission to share some little information on our mission with them, but promised to be back on another well scheduled visitation to meet with congregations and leaders of the Church to edify and strengthen them.
Our messages were all centered on; the need to have strong leaders and preachers for the Church, the need to support working preachers to be effective for the Lord’s work, our willingness as a school to assist all congregations with the human resources at all times if seminars or programmes are organized by any congregation or group of congregations and need our assistance, the need to form evangelistic Teams to work together evangelized and strengthen our congregations and most importantly, recruitment of new students for our next academic year. All these messages were largely received with joy and appreciation to the glory of God.
Out of these subjects, Christ was also preached to congregants and non-Christians present in our gatherings to persuade them to come to Christ in Baptism. Two souls were added to the Church, at Chamba and Sanguli. Hallelujah.
We observed that:
1. Consistent visitation to congregations and our passed students are working across the breath and length of Ghana is very instrumental in the future our noble school and the congregations
2. It is necessary to build a very strong and close relation with the congregations in Northern Ghana by encouraging them to organize seminars and programmes in their locality and have us participate in them to build a very strong bond between the school and some of the congregations, if not all
3. The proposal of the Evangelistic Teams that has been proposed by Brother Steven and that is been implemented in some areas in Northern Ghana is great idea that needs to be pushed to most areas where brethren has interest in evangelism
4. We also saw the need to have time to time Biblical empowerment seminars in the school with our passed students and all other church leaders that wish to participate in them.
We are very positive of the future of Bear Valley Tamale and the Church in Northern Ghana as we hope all who have the opportunity to work for the Lord will do it sacrificially to secure their salvation.
God bless us all,
Bear Valley, Tamale