Pray for the teachers in Visak, India

Dear Brethren in Christ,  

I bring greetings from all the students, faculty and staff from Visakha Valley Bible College. God has been so merciful to us, rescued all the three faculty members from their health complications and giving me energy/strength to do all what I am responsible to be doing.

One of the blessing is visit of brother Mark Reynolds, who is the coordinator of the School. We are so pleased with his visit during this very difficult time, he knew that he has to go through lot of screening & testing, but he has chosen to come see us, certainly God has been with him for his successful visit. Certainly we were thrilled with his visit.

Let me update on the faculty members who were sick and recovering:

Bro. P. Mallesara Rao fell from his motor cycle while travelling with his wife, he had injuries on his face and shoulder, so as his wife had some wounds too. Because he hurt his brain when fell on the ground, he was unconscious for three days, after medication and prayer, he gradually becoming normal; couple of days ago he attended the Youth Program we held at Skinner’s Garden.

Brother D. Rama Raju, he had high blood pressure and taken to the hospital, took couple of days to find out the problem and also to find the right hospital, changed three different doctors, finally found the right one who can resolve the bleeding problem in brain caused due to High Blood pressure, it cost a lot of money to get the treatment done. He mortgaged his house to pay the hospital bills. Kindly pray for him as he is recovering, we is feeling perfectly alright because he is doing things on his own, however we do not know when he will be back in his full strength to get back to his responsibility.

 Bro. G. Vamsee Bushanam, he is having problems because of high creatine, as he is having problems with his Kidney. He had very difficult time on the 3rd of this month, after medication for one week, he started feeling better, on the 13th he attended the Youth Program and taught couple of classes to the young men attended. He is going to start teaching from this week onwards.

Unfortunately something has happed just today, my brother James Paul who is learning to take charge of the School, after rapid test for Cvoid-19, he found positive. Kindly pray that he would recover from it as he has begun taking medicine. Do pray for me as I will be trying to run everything smooth. Also pray as the number Covid cases keep raising every hour & every day, it is alarming something what we are not ready for, kindly pray for us as we pray for your safety as well.

Dear brethren, we really had a great visit or brother Mark Reynolds, also looking forward for the visit of Brother Keith Kasarjian in the third week of March. During the visit of Mark Reynolds, he taught our students one day and graduates on the second day. We are so happy that over 60 graduates are working full time in the mission field, thank you all so much for being part of that.

Tailoring Institute: This has been very productive and also giving us a great opportunity to show how much we care. Also, our students are getting stitching classes as part of Trade Education.

We appreciate you so much for help run the school, do appreciate the Elders of Lake Houston & Strickland church of Christ also Jerry & Paula Bates for their continue trust and confidence in the work. We are grateful to the brethren at Lake Houston for helping with some special needs, you have been so kind to us, God bless you all.

Thank you so much for your prayers, please continue as the Corona situation is kind of scary….greet your family and church family for us, we thank you so much for everything. We do thank brother Mark Reynolds to visit with us.

Thanking you,

In Christ,

John Dean M

Posted on January 17, 2022 .