Evangelism in Zambia


Happy and Prosperous 2022 to all brothers and sisters in the Lord!

It is again that time of highlighting some activities that are happening in this part of the world and the school in particular. The students did not tire to do the programs of evangelism during the month of December 2021. And as a school we are very delighted to report the following vital signs of upward mobility as far as the school is concerned.

I.                Major Activities

A.    Evangelism

i.                 The school is on recess and teachers have continued to interact with all the students from their respective congregations.

ii.               Bible studies

We are also very happy to report that the students have continued to set up more Bible studies in their particular places. Both the current student body and our Alumni are actively involved in expanding the kingdom of our master.

iii.             We have formed a good team of preaching in Luapula province where twelve members of the Church from four different congregations namely; Kabalika, Kabanga, Musaila, and Kale are working with our current student Nicholus Mulubwa in preaching and strengthening members of the Lord’s Church. In Luwingu we had a two days meeting with our students preaching on all sessions.  

B.    New Babes in Christ

Malachi Chisenga, Ronald kabaso, Albert Mwewa, Jane Mukusa, Mwiza Nayame, prince Lungu, Josephine Ngandu, Onrick Musonda, Seliya Kalenga, Memory and Bright Mulenga  were baptized in the month of December here on the Copperbelt. Additionally we have recorded nine baptisms in southern province through Daniel Kapata and Arclay Kabaya. In Luapula province we had twlve Baptisms through Nicholus Mulubwa and Northern Province we have recorded four through Mathews Mwale and Gershom Chansa. We also have Muchinga Province with Reuben Museka with two baptisms. We pray for God’s continued blessings on the lives of these souls. We had a total number of thirty seven (37) baptisms.

C.    Restorations

In another development, we have recorded nineteen restorations on the Copperbelt, four from Southern, eight from Northern, and eleven from Central (through our current student Lackson Muwindwa and former student Clive kabinka who are doing God's work in Kabwe). All in all, we have recorded a total number of thirty two (32) of restorations.

D.    Up- coming Marriages

We would like to announce the engagements of our three former students namely Simon Nkhazi, Vinicent Simwanza and Hornbye Mupengu; two of whom have engaged brother Fred Kanangu to negotiate the bride price on their behalf. Everything is going on very well and we ask you to pray for these brother as they are getting ready go into holy matrimony.    

II.              Report on covid-19 in Zambia

i.                 The country has continued to record high cases of Covid 19 Omicron variant. The pandemic started becoming worse towards the end of 2021. We are currently battling with this variant, which is more contagious and spreading fast across our communities.

ii.               Following the up-swing in transmissions of Covid-19 in Zambia, government has placed some restrictions throughout the country. The nation of Zambia is not yet locked down compared to some neighboring countries which are on lockdown.

iii.             Sunday church services have been restricted to only an hour. And wearing masks during services is mandatory.

iv.              Government has postponed the reopening of primary and secondary schools which was scheduled for 10th January 2022 to 24th January 2022 due to a surge in Covid 19 cases. According to the Minister of General Education, the decision to postpone the reopening has been made to allow more children to get vaccinated against Covid 19. Meanwhile the fumigation of public buildings is ongoing. Please remember us in your prayers that we resume classes without any disturbance.

III.           Goals for the upcoming month

As we knock the doors, preach on the streets and reach out in our communities, our goal is to reach out to as many people as possible. We have a motto as a school that says “preaching to the world starts next door”. Based on the availability of funds and the way Covid 19 evolves, we plan to go for two weeks and evangelize a village in Masaiti district of the Copper Belt province of Zambia.

We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. The courses that will be taught when the school reopens are as follow:

Church History, Old Testament 3b (Study of Wisdom Literature: Psalms - Song of Songs), Life of Christ 3 (The ministry of Jesus), and Intertestamental Period.

Our Short Courses will be on Marriage & Family Life.

Our prayer is to keep on laboring for the lord whatever our circumstances. You are always in our prayers! We wish you all God’s speed!!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 17, 2022 .