Doing the best they can in Haiti

Haiti International School of Theology

It is hard to believe that the work in Haiti is now entering its thirteenth year! What originally was to be a one-week relief effort became an open door for the gospel. During the first three years, we rebuilt church buildings, repaired or built over 500 homes, fed 1,000’s, provided medical assistance, and shared the gospel along the way. As a result, thousands came to Christ. God receives all the glory for what has been accomplished. We know that we are His tools, used in His kingdom, for His glory.  

After the three years of relief efforts, it was time to refocus. Our focus turned towards building and strengthening the church. Many had obeyed the gospel, so now it was time to help mature them, as Christ commanded, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:20). Thus, giving birth to the International School of Theology in 2014.

In 2021 our students and teachers taught and baptized 207 individuals into the body of Christ. Since the starting of IST in 2014, the students and teachers have taught and baptized more than 1,700 souls. Three new congregations were planted in 2021. They are involved with the teaching and preaching in twenty-five congregations, supported forty-three campaigns, seminars, and lectureships. Again, to God be all glory and honor.  

Haiti is a country that is torn by political and civil unrest and extreme poverty. The gang activity has forced our directors to temporally move location for the classes. This was to protect the safety of our students and the property. We are blessed to have directors and teachers who are able to lead, organize and implement the work. I hope to return to Haiti at some point in 2022 but only if it will not endanger the staff, students nor the work we are doing. Our goal is to train preachers and teachers to carry the gospel forward. Please keep Haiti in your prayers. “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Larry Waymire

Posted on January 17, 2022 .