Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from this part of the globe. We are up and we are grateful for another new month. We all glory to God. We trust that you are good and things are well with you. Keep praying for us, as we pray for you also, concerning the issue of COVID which is ravaging people and making the world unstable.
Last week in Wotutu was good, as we were preparing students in BVBIC-Wotutu to go for their third mission work for the year while families were preparing their children to go back to school. Back to school, school fee time is always a big challenge for many families here because of the low income. Also, many are working on their farms and back to school time is always the time for planting (expense time) not harvesting (income time) where parents might have extra funds to be able to send their children to school. Keep the academic year 2021-2022 in your prayers that things will run smoothly until the end.
Our students were blessed to learn from one of our graduates, Minister Njume Marcelus, who was invited to come back to Wotutu to teach a short course. He taught I and II Peter and Jude to the students. It was wonderful! It was another good moment for me, as I sat in the class and watched him teach and to prepare men and their families for ministry. We are training faithful men who are also training faithful men as well. II Timothy 2:2
A week in Wotutu was refreshing to him again, as the weather in Wotutu is good as compared to the harsh (very hot) weather conditions in Kumba. It was great to have him with us and also to take a family picture with him with the sign, “WE ARE NOT ALONE AND WE SHALL NEVER BE ALONE.”
The sisters were on the other side, in the congregation’s worship building, learning from the book, “THE FAMILY GOD’S WAY.” It was also good to have them, along with one extra sister who joined the group because one of our students, Lyambe Francis, got married during the last period of field work and vacation in his hometown.
This year’s friends and family day in Wotutu was a great success. We had more than 70 friends, family members, and visitors who were a part of our worship. Soft juices and finger foods were served. Keep our dreams in your prayers and come and join us!
Students are off from Wotutu to different locations for evangelism and nurturing. Keep them in your prayers as our roads are not the best right now.
Thank you very much for all you do. Thanks for all your prayers and support for this work. Because of you, we are making the progress we are making. God is watching and will bless and reward those in due season who remain faithful. Please share our report with others. Maybe someone, somewhere, will be used by God to get our dream to the light.
God bless you!
Elangwe and family,
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu