New classrooms in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends,

After a few wonderful months in Tanzania, our family headed home. When we arrived in Nashville, the church van from the South Green Street Church of Christ was waiting to bring us home, where several of their members had stocked the house with a bill of groceries. This was especially appreciated as we developed a case of COVID while enroute and had to quarantine. We appreciate all of your prayers and support during all of this.

Right now the ACSOP students are back in session and Keith Kasarjian is there teaching a short course. Here's a picture of his class enjoying the new classroom:

Arusha 1.jpg

Speaking of facilities, you can expect a future update to include the beautiful renovations to the library as well as progress on the water project at the school.

Also, let me introduce you to our brand new website: . Explore it a bit, and feel free to link it on your church websites under works you support.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator

Posted on August 23, 2021 .