Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Wotutu. We are okay, and we do hope you all are okay, as we start preparing to the end the year 2021. It has been a tough year in many ways but it is not yet time to evaluate the year. God is still sitting on the throne, and because of that, we are moving ahead with all that is in our hands to do. We give all glory to Him for all the successes in the course of last month.
Students in the Bible college are working on their studies but many suffer from malaria, which is common this time of the year. I am also having some problems as I need to see the dentist by the end of this month. Keep us in your prayers. The challenges are always enormous.
As we prepare to end the first year of studies for the ZETA batch, I am on the business of teaching “CHURCH PLANTING (MISSION 1).” It is an amazing course as we prepare the minds of students to break any virgin land and plant the Lord’s church there. In December, three of our students are embarking on a VIRGIN LAND MISSION trip to plant a new congregation. Studies are already being made in planning for a smooth mission where God takes the glory. Please, commit that dream in your prayers.
The Likomba congregation was established during the 3rd batch of students in BVBIC-Wotutu. That congregation paid us a surprise visit last week with soaps for our students to use to wash their clothes. They said that they had come to appreciate the administration, supporters, overseeing congregation, and the students for their weekly evangelistic efforts in their communities. They said that they don’t have silver or gold, but what they have, is what they can afford. It was great to welcome them as the student president spoke with tears, appreciating the congregation for thinking about them and for praying for them. Please keep that congregation in your prayers.
Many thanks to Mission Printing, and especially to brother Richard Renfro, for the tracts that came to Cameroon. Many preachers keep coming to Wotutu to select from the different tracts and take the ones that best suit them in the evangelistic efforts in their area. Tracts, hymns, and Bibles are getting into the hands of the right people daily and weekly. Please keep praying for the efforts of the congregations here as their work is making huge waves in the lives of many. Our French school, BVBIC-Mbanga, was also here to get French tracts and other French literature, as well as other books for the work in the French part of Cameroon. Thanks again to mission printing for making all of these to be available here.
Next week we shall be at the annual Bible lectureship which will be held in the Limbe New Town congregation. Please pray for the success of that program.
I am still dreaming of making it back to Chad so that we can be of help again for the churches there. The work is making great moves there. I am having a lot of appeals from the brethren there asking us to please come back. Some bilingual brethren from there are anticipating attending BVBIC-Wotutu next year. Several from Chad have and are attending the BVBIC-Mbanga.
Thank you very much for your prayers and your support. They are what make this work keep moving. Please keep helping us, as we give God all the glory.
God bless you and make a great day. Elangwe and family By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu