Classes continue in Tirupati, India

To all our partners: Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and encouragement. We express our sincere gratitude to the Elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ. We are thankful to them for their great love, compassion and commitment to train up the young people for the spiritual kingdom of god. We thank you so much for your kindness to establish the extension Centre in our city(India). We would like to report for the month of November.

BVBI-Class Room Work: We report to you that classes were successfully conducted in the month of November. For the last week of classes a few guest students joined us for the Monday to Friday classes. Each day we had more than 45 students. We examined the notebook work, gave assignment work, gave memory verses and conducted weekend examination for the each course. All the students are doing hard work. We appreciate teachers and non-teaching staff for their dedication for the smooth function of the class room work.

Flood Relief Service: In the month of November people in our place suffered lot due to terrible cyclone effect. The trees were uprooted, houses were broken down, roads and streets were filled with water . Several villages don’t have transportation and power supply for few days, due to flood effect there was 5’ feet of water in some of our church members houses. We have moved with great compassion and did our level best in serving the flood victims. We shifted a few flood victims to the safety place, we have provided food packets, we have provided rice bags, we have provided groceries to some families, we have given some money contribution for the needy families. we have helped with medical costs for the needy people. We have provided sweaters for the school children who were under poverty and we have distributed gas stoves for the people who are suffering a lot for finding fire wood during the flood time.

We once again thank you so much for your willingness to establish BVBI extension Centre in our place. We are grateful to our International Director Mr. Keith Kasarjian and assistant Director Mr. Mark Reynolds for their commitment in providing guidance and encouragement. We are thankful to all the prayer partners. We appreciate our teaching staff and non-teaching staff. We request your continual prayers for the staff and students.

Thanking you. Yours brother and sister in Christ. Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on December 10, 2021 .