Graduation in Sierra Leone


Full Time Program (A two-year Diploma Program)


On behalf of the administration and the students of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Sierra Leone, I want to open this write up by giving thanks and acknowledgement to God Almighty for His love that He continues to bestow upon us. We are grateful to Him for this opportunity again to share with you the continuous outcome of the work that is going on in Sierra Leone here. The month of October served as another remarkable month for us so that the impacts of the activities that took place during its course will last longer. The following activities took place in the month of October: academic activities, conversion of souls, lectureship and the graduation ceremony, Coordinator’s meeting with staff and students. Please continue to read for the details of our activities.


The end of October marked the end of our first quarter in the first year. Our first quarter began on July 27, 2021. Currently, we have 20 students and all of them attended their classes and obtained the required number of credit hours. They all wrote their exams and left for one month holiday. In the course of the quarter, eight courses were covered which included Research and writing, Old Testament 1, Personal Evangelism 1, Cost of Discipleship, Scheme of Redemption, Homiletics 1, Basic English Grammar 1, Introduction to Computer 1. One of the courses 9Cost of Discipleship) was handled by the Director of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Liberia, Robert Pascal Dahn. All our lecturers gave their best and taught to the best of their abilities. We give God all the glory.


In the previous report (September) I echoed that five souls were added to the Church. However, for the month of October, the Lord opened the hearts of seven people and embraced Christ and are faithfully worshipping God in truth and in spirit. We thank God for His mercy upon the newest brethren in Christ; and we plead with you brethren to continue to remember them in your prayers as you have always done.


In the report for September, your prayers were required and requested for the lectureship and the graduation which was scheduled to be held on October 29-30, 2021. And by the grace of God, the program came and passed successfully. The first Bible lectureship of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Sierra Leone was held on the first day of the program (29th October), and the theme for the lectureship was, “Christian Education and the Growth of Churches of Christ in Sierra Leone.” Under this theme, various topics were handled by various speakers. We were blessed by seasoned speakers both in Sierra Leone here and other parts of the world. Two of our external speakers included Brother Steven Ashcraft (Our West African Coordinator), Brother Tom Udo Tom Ekpot (PhD) - the president of the School of Biblical Studies, Jos Nigeria. Many preachers, local Church leaders, members of various congregations of Churches of Christ in Sierra Leone and some non-members attended the lectureship. The Director of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Guinea, Brother Francis Musa and two of his staff were as well in attendance. We had our guest speaker from the republic of Liberia, Brother Dave Arthur together with his wife, Sister Enora Arthur all present. Questions were asked and brilliant answers were provided. The lectureship was followed by a football match between the Bear Valley students and the Local congregations in Kenema city. The Bear Valley students won 3:2. While the match was going on, spectators came and some of the students who were not playing were engaged in sharing tracts and preaching to them individually. We thank God that a social occasion like that could as well be used to share the Gospel with the perishing souls. The next day, 30th October was the day of the graduation. The school had her 2nd graduation program since its establishment in Sierra Leone in 2016. Twenty (20) students were enrolled in 2019 for the program. However, in the course of time, six (6) couldn’t continue. Therefore, the school graduated fourteen (14) preachers and evangelists who have been sent out to turn the world upside down with the Gospel. Before the graduates left for their various congregations, the Director held a meeting with them, urging them to be sending in reports of their works. Moreover, and Alumni team has been formed to be making a follow up on the graduates.


We continue to ever be grateful to God Almighty for sending to us a coordinator who is so passionate about the work of God, whose love and mentoring skills are worthy to be emulated. Brother Steven Ashcraft, our beloved and dearly loved coordinator held a two-day seminar with the staff and the Bear Valley Director in Liberia. This meeting was so fruitful. He taught the staff the rudiments of writing research papers so as to be able to assess the students appropriately whenever they are being given assignment. He as well elaborately discussed what Bear Valley requires from every staff. He touched many arrears like academics, administrative, developmental projects, etc. Also, Brother Steve met with the current students in their class room to encourage them to remain steadfast in the pursuant of their course with Bear Valley. He presented Bibles, pens, and ties to all the 20 students and the graduates.


The entire one body family of Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema Sierra Leone continues to express her deepest appreciation to her supporters and sponsors for their financial and the spiritual support they continue to demonstrate toward her. I remember, two months ago, we were asked to submit our prayer requests so they could pray for us. Brethren, we are really appreciative. May the Lord bless and uphold you and may your works follow you. Again, we continue to be thankful to Brother Steve Ashcraft for his loveliness and his kind heart. We as well appreciate Brother Robert Dahn, the Director of Bear Valley Liberia, and Brother Francis Musa, who have been so much involved in the sustenance of this school. Thank you beloved brethren. A big thank you to all our well -wishers and those who are acutely praying for us whose names we didn’t mention here. May God bless all of you!


In brief, we continue to be grateful to God, our sponsors and all of you who are praying for us. Please continue to remember the work of God in Sierra Leone in your prayers. We look forward to sharing with you again our anticipated November report. We at KBVBI do say, “Have a blessed month ahead.”

Posted on December 10, 2021 .