The month of October was a very busy month for BVBIZ. More time was taken in preparing for some of the major events that were going to take place in the month such as the official opening of the site, the school’s first Annual General Meeting and graduation. These and more are covered in this report.
The following subjects are being done this term; Music, Sign Language, Advance Homiletics, Introduction to Computers, 1,2 &3 John, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Marriage and Family Development, Greek, Christian Spiritual Formation, Church Leadership, Church History and Research Methods. Some of these are short courses. The following subjects have so far been completed; Music, Introduction to Computers and Poverty Alleviation and Community Development.
October was a memorable month in the history of BVBIZ. This is because of the events that took place on the 16th of October, namely an Annual General Meeting, Graduation and Official Opening of the site.
The school held its first ever Annual General Meeting. This was the first event on the 16th of October. It was led by the schools Board of Trustees. The following reports were given to the stakeholders who were in attendance;
The Director’s Report
The Board Chairman’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report
Great appreciation to both the Board and management for making this event possible. It is expected the school’s AGM shall now be taking place every year.
The school’s second graduation took place on the 16th of October. Two classes (the conventional program and the parallel program) graduated together. The total graduates were 25. Those on the parallel program took almost 4 years to complete their program. The guest speaker was Professor Chetsanga, an elder at Avondale church of Christ and the Vice Chancellor at the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University. This was a great day to remember in the history of the school. Many from far and wide, came to witness this historic event. The following are the graduates;
The school’s new strategic plan which shall run from 2022-2024 was also commissioned. The document was signed by the school director, the board chairman and the director of SPED (Pvt) (ltd), a company which facilitated its designing. This blueprint is also available to stakeholders who may want to see it. The following are the strategic objectives;
By 2024, the following should be achieved;
· A preferred, preeminent college of excellence that produces holistically empowered, highly qualified and competent servants of God through a robust training and development program relevant to the community we are operating in.
· To be an institution of a highly structured and empowering programs (aligned to Education 5.0) for human capital development and robust administrative systems that will drive the core business of training and developing servants of God
· BVBIZ to have a well-structured resource base anchored on assets based community development approach (ABCD) that steers the training and development of servants of God.
· To be an institution with the state of the art structures and equipment that will aid the institution to achieve her vision.
· To have effective and efficient ICT processes compatible with current technological changes so as to ensure the achievement of the school’s objectives.
The school’s new site was opened on the 16th of October, moments before the graduation ceremony. The guest speaker for this event was Dr. D.M. Gwini who eventually opened the site officially. The event was graced by many, far and wide, in the church and beyond. The BVBII regional Director for Southern Africa who was to jointly open the site together with Dr. Gwini had flight challenges and therefor, could not make it. The surrounding community also came to grace the occasion. This was an event which shall remain in the memory for the school for long.
BVBIZ got the land in September of 2018 and since then, several developments have taken place. The school moved to this site in May of 2020 when most of the structures were yet to be completed.
Due to the graduation and official opening ceremonies that were to take place, it became necessary to finish some of the outstanding infrastructure developments.
3.1 Septic Tank
A cottage whose construction started last year and got finished early this year was yet to be used due to the lack of a septic tank. The tank was also dug early this year but no further development were done. However, construction of this tank began in October and was completed just in time for the graduation ceremony. Outstanding window panes were also fixed. Some guests were eventually accommodated in the cottage as it was now usable
3.2 Ablution Block
One of the first structures to be built at BVBIZ was the ablution block. Its progress, however, was stopped along the way due to the lack of funding. With the school going to receive many guests on the 16th of October, it became necessary to sacrifice part of the fund which was slowly being reserved for the teachers house. A small adjustment was made to the structure so as to lessen the costs. Plastering, roofing, fixing of doors and painting (still to be completed) were done. Students did the painting but the available paint was not enough to complete the job.
We end this report with Paul’s words in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things (RSV).” Great appreciation to every one of you for making October one of the best months for the school. The events covered in the report could not have been possible without you. Your financial, material and moral support is always highly appreciated. To God be the glory!