Mission Printing appreciated in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We are doing good and we do hope you are doing good as well. I am sorry for the break of sending reports as I used to do. The internet was down in my area and there was no way to travel to another town to get my reports going.

For the weeks that have passed, the students were on mission work and vacation for the third quarter which was like a break to me too. But as I write this report now, all is back in place. The students are all back on campus and life and training are back to normal.

Our students went through difficult earth roads to make it to different mission fields during the last outing from Wotutu. Welisane John went to a village called Lokando 2. We received the “Macedonian call” about that dying congregation. He was there even during his vacation to encourage and to bring the Christians back to the fold so that they can start worshipping again.

In spite of the difficulties faced on the road, God granted journey mercies to all the students and they arrived at their different destinations safe and sound. They went to work with house-to-house evangelism, and house-to-house encouragement for the Christians. They go everywhere with our tradition of opening the Bible so that the prospect will read the word live and direct.

After all of the hurdles in the field, students are all back to school, and the training continues. But, many of them came back sick because of the climatic and other conditions they faced there. Our nurse is still not completely well from her back surgery, so they are not looked after in the school, but have to see doctors in town for medical attention to keep them feeling well.

We were blessed again with another ocean container from Mission Printing with selected tracts and with many other materials for the work here. We send forth many appreciations to Mission Printing and all the volunteers who made this possible. We have arranged them according to their kind and we are ready for distribution which will have a different format from the previous times. God bless Mission Printing!

In the container, elder Richard Renfro always makes special boxes for preachers. Each box contains books and many other good materials that the preacher can use to build up his personal library. This time our current students benefited first while the rest of the boxes will go to other preachers who have never taken a preacher box from our previous shipments.

The distribution is already on and it will go far and wide from our new Mission Printing to our new tract building in Wotutu Cameroon to towns and villages all over the country of Cameroon. Some French tracts will be shipped from Cameroon to Tchad as well. Please keep our efforts in your prayers.


We are invited for a mass evangelism in Kake congregation in the French speaking area by the end of the month.Weekend evangelism continues every week in Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon - Wotutu.

Thank you very much for all the prayers and support that helps to keep this work going amidst all of the trouble in the world. God bless you all. Please share our report with others around you.

Posted on November 8, 2021 .