KASOA 3rd Quarter Report July August September 2021
So soon we are left with three months to see another year. The Lord Has been good to us as none of our students nor anyone we know is affected by the virus. As we continue to observe the necessary protocols, we pray God to continue to guard and bless us. We also thank God for the love of our spiritual partners as they continue to support the Lord’s here in Ghana and particularly in Kasoa.
Kasoa is densely populated town and we have over fifty congregations of the Lord’s Church in this town. So, the school in this location is timely as we need more workers for the Lord. The School started with nine students is now having nineteen with five more waiting to be admitted.
The school currently meets in the church premises of Papaase Number 2 congregation where their average attendance is 200. This vicinity is six miles north of Kasoa and we have secured a place in the middle of Kasoa to have a second school.
We have an average of 17 students out of the total of 19, meeting weekly for classes and all have done their work assigned to them and also the class work. All of them are leaders in their respective congregations. The one lady among them is the women’s teacher in the congregation she worships. These men are better preparing themselves to take up the responsibility of being preachers for the congregations they are members of, some having been leaders for many years.
The following are the regular instructors for the school in Kasoa: Kojo Acquah Beenyi, the director, Roger Asante, Amo Gyimah. Daniel Adjei Mensah, the director at the Tamale school has also taught a course for us.
The second campaign for this year was held at Kasoa Ofaakor. It was a week-long from Monday to Sunday. Several Gospel materials from Mission Printing and Bobby Dockery were freely given out and the great message of Christ was proclaimed. Day time Bible studies were done daily and open air preaching were done each night. Daily dawn preaching was also done. Eleven (11) souls were won for the Lord. There were many prospects who signed our forms for follow up, hopefully some more will respond to the call of Christ to be His disciple. The students’ body also reported of 13 baptisms for the months of July, August and September in their work in their congregations.
Daniel Kwadwo Nkrumah is one of our students in Kasoa. He is the students’ leader and keeps the records of the class. Daniel is 44 years and he is married with five children. Daniel has been a Christian for the past 26 years and has been a leader in the Lord’s church for many years. He has also been the Evangelism leader as well as a Songs leader.
He works as a Metal Fabricator and owns his business that helps feed his family as well as makes a living. His helped with the metal works when the church he fellowshipped with was putting up the meeting place.
Currently he preaches for Ofaakor congregation with is four miles north of Kasoa. Ofaakor congregation has an average attendance of 66. This is a small but is a vibrant congregation that has existed for the past eleven (11) years.
Daniel thinks the School in Kasoa is a brilliant idea as that has helped him as a worker to be able to work and be in school at the same time to better his knowledge in the Lord and also better equip himself for the Lord’s work and also to save soul.