We send greetings to you brothers and sisters in the lord, we wish you God’s blessing as you labor in His vineyard. We are as delighted as we send this report for the activities in the month of September.
As the students continue learning from the courses that given to them at Bear Valley Bible Institute- Zambia, we can see the evidence of their spiritual growth. The fourth quarter’s courses include the one on “Personal Evangelism 2” which is being taught by Cephas Mwamba. In the first quarter they were taught “Personal evangelism 1” which had an emphasis on how to conduct a Bible study one on one. This quarter the emphasis is placed on church planting. Hence, courses like these become vitally important because they will eventually help them in their life of preaching once they graduate.
I. Major Activities
A. Evangelism
i. The students have continued with their personal evangelism practical. They have paired themselves to do door knocking and reach out to people on the street and the surrounding communities. These practical are only done during the weekends because during the weekdays they are busy with studies and other school assignments.
ii. Bible studies
We are very happy to report that that each pair of these students have managed to set up some Bible studies with some people they have preached to.
Boyd Kalaba and Daniel Kapata, students of BVBI-Zambia have continued conducting Bible studies on Thursday afternoons at one of the members of the church near the campus.
B. Baptisms
i. We have recorded twenty-one (21) baptisms in the month of October and one (01) congregation established. We are working extra hard to establish another new congregation next month in Masaiti district on the Copperbelt province.
C. Restorations
i. We have also recorded seventeen (17) restorations, six on the Copperbelt Churches of Christ, three in the Luapula province, and four in Lusaka’s Mtendere where Simon Nkhazi our former student is currently preaching. We have also recorded two in Kabwe Central province.
II. Statement on covid-19 in Zambia
i. We have a very encouraging report on covid-19 status by the Africa center for Disease control and prevention. Their report implies that Zambia is experiencing low covid-19 transmission. Encouragingly, Zambia has also been removed from high risk status by some countries and we are confident that soon others will follow suit.
ii. Following the reduced transmission of covid-19 in Zambia, government has decided to lift the restrictions for the next one month which started on 2nd October 2021.
iii. With the situation above, we will continue to do more evangelism whenever we have opportunity. We will always adhere to the prescribed covid-19 public health measures.
III. Goals for the upcoming month
As we knock the doors, preach on the streets and reach out in our communities our goal is to reach out to as many people as possible. We believe that the “world” Jesus Christ was talking about starts next door. We have planned to go for a four days gospel campaign trip at Chibwe Church of Christ. This place is about 18 km (11 miles) from Luanshya town. We have also received invitation to go the Northern Province and North-western province where brother Cephas Mwamba recently visited in the village to lay the foundation for our preaching. We have continued to have quarterly leadership meetings at BVBI- Zambia in Luanshya district to coordinate the work
IV. Reports from our alumni
We continue to receive very impressive reports from all our former students.
A. Clive Kabika (2017 graduate) reports that he is working with Mwanshi church of Christ in Kabwe district of Central Province of Zambia. He regularly preaches on Sundays and also teaches adult Bible studies on Wednesdays and Sundays. He also features on Kabwe FM radio with a religious program every week. This radio station covers most of the areas in Kabwe district and some of the areas of Chibombo and Kapiri Mposhi districts of Central Province of Zambia.
12 people have so been baptized and two souls have been restored back to the Lord because of the efforts that this brother doing. And numerous people have been accorded an opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to it.
B. Hornbye Mupengu (2019) working hand in hand with our Institute here in Zambia, he is being helped to establish a new congregation in Masaiti district of the Copperbelt Province. His native home happens to be Ndola district but he spends most of his time at the farm in Masaiti district. He has reached out to other farmers in the area with the gospel. Together with his dad, Hornbye Mupengu senior, they regularly conduct Bible studies and church services at their farm. They have planned to have an evangelistic campaign on October 31st, 2021 around Masaiti district. Hornbye’s efforts and that of his father have really made tremendous impact in Masaiti.
We have no doubt that Hornbye, Clive and other former students are men who are dedicated to preaching and teaching others how to live the word.
Our hearts are truly and forever indebted to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and indeed to everyone supporting this good work in any way. You are always in our prayers!
Cephas and Fred