Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray the Grace and Mercies of Elohim that kept us through the month of August continue to be upon you all in Jesus’ name, Amen. The month of August has been a busy month for us in the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale campus. It was a full academic month for us as our students were in school through into the month of September, 2021.
As part of his activities, apart from teaching and preaching for the Lord’s church and many other duties, he also oversees the smooth running of Bear Valley Schools across Ghana. Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, our Coordinator took time out of his busy schedules to visit us in Tamale in the tail end of July into August to help us put things in order. His presence was very inspiring to us, the staff and the students as well. He also came along with some edible trees to plant in the compound. We foresee that, some years to come, our compound will be filled with productive trees and flowers all over. The Lord Bless Him Greatly.
The first course to be taught in the month of August was the Book of Acts, which was done by brother James Legend. This course was treated from the 2nd to the 6th of August, 2021. Brother Daniel Adjei came in to teach the Prisons Epistles from the 9th to the 14th of August, 2021. A visiting lecturer was supposed to handle the Book of James After the Prison Epistles, but due to some challenges, he couldn’t make it. This calls for the need for a resident instructor to come in. Brother James Legend, who was the immediate lecturer available, took it up and taught the Book of James. Brother James Continued after the Book of James, to teach Research Work. In all, four (4) causes were taught in the month of August.
The South Kpalsi Church of Christ (The local Congregation in the School) is planning to organize a four days public preaching and door to door evangelistic campaign to support our consistent studies which we have been having within the community and its environs. We are leasing with the West Congregation and possibly with some of the congregations in town to join in this public preaching and door to door evangelism we intend to host.
Updates on the Denugu Congregation that was restored in the Upper East Region is very encouraging. There are more baptisms which has brought a great numerical growth of the church. We pray and hope they grow spiritually as well.
The documentation work for the site which the school is built on has fully been done. We went for the completed documents this month which brought finality to the challenges we have been having since the purchase of the land. We give the glory to God for taking us through this difficult process successfully.
We settled on one of our preachers who completed our sister school in Accra, but is working in the North. He happens to be one of the persons who benefitted from the motor Bicycles that were purchased to aid two preachers in the North. He is in the person of Francis Mbugri.
Francis Mbugri is 38 years old, from an idols family but grew to become a preacher of the Lord’s Church today. He was born at Poyamire in the Upper East Region, under the Binduri District.
He attended the Bazua R/C Primary school from the year 1994-2000. While in primary school, at the age of 16, the Gospel was preached to him by brother Jacob Arok, who was then preaching for the Poyamire congregation where Francis was born. He accepted the Gospel and got baptized into the church. He continued his Junior High School in the same school from the year 2000 to 2004. As it was the custom in Northern Ghana, they never saw the importance of education until now. Francis had to stop his education after the Junior High to help his father with his farming work. He resurrected his educational journey when he managed to relocate himself to the city (Bolgatanga town) to live with his uncle. He went back to school in 2007 at Bolga senior High School. He completed his senior high school in 2009. Due to financial constraints, he had to drop out from school entirely. He returned back to Poyamire, and was worshipping with the congregation. Brother Jacob who had baptized him, in 2014 inspired him to get enrolled into the Bible School in Accra (SIBS). Francis went through the two years Diploma Course and graduated in the year 2016.
Francis came back to the North and got married to Steller Abaga in 2020. They currently have one daughter to the glory of God. He is currently the Preacher for the Poyamire congregation which has a membership of about 70 in number. Praise God.
These are the majority of the vital things that took place in the month of August, 2021.
God Bless us,
Bear Valley, Tamale