Online classes continue in Lima, Peru

It is a pleasure for us to greet you dear brothers,

Things continue to get more difficult in our country in relation to the pandemic, while in other countries things are somehow being brought under control, in our country things are getting worse, the latest international report has put our country in the first place in the world with the highest mortality rate with 28,124 victims, while another 10,000 are being investigated.

The scenario we are in is unfortunate, however, we remain confident in the Lord and in the power of his strength and that everything will improve. Almost a month ago one of our students suffered the death of his mother due to COVID, I mean Moisés Guevara, it was a hard time for him, for the family and for the church, God have her in his glory.

Since our last report we have continued with our study program, although due to circumstances we continue to do so virtually. Our last two courses have been Leadership and Job (the latter is still being taught). Leadership was presented by me (Juan Abanto), the course on the Book of Job (A.T. IIIA) is being taught by brother Andrés Núñez. It is still a great challenge for us to present these courses in the midst of all these difficulties and limitations that we have, but both teachers and students are always trying to do our best to continue our program.

On the other hand, we started a virtual program focused on youth, in this program we are involving different young ministers to expose the word of God. In recent months, both I and Abraham Alata have been involved in many opportunities to share the word of God, it is not a program exclusively sponsored by the Institute, but thank God we had the vision to implement it with the help of many other ministers and it is working be a great help to the youth of the church of Christ in the country. One of the objectives is to take advantage of the program to awaken interest among the young people in the institute and in the training program that we offer, we hope in God many awaken their interest in the institute through this.

Thank you for always being aware of the extension here in our country and for the support that is constantly provided to continue with the program. Please keep us in your prayers!

Posted on September 6, 2020 .