Using time wisely in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni

Malawi  - July Report


Since the the government suspended the schools due to Covid 19 pandemic, we are just being assured of reopening soon but we don't know how soon! Although schools are suspended, but we are making sure we do something that encourages our students and churches of Christ around our country. We are still visiting our students where they worship to make sure they remain active spiritually. We have been conducting lectureships and one to one preaching. We are also grateful to God that the forms for the school land lease are all signed ready to go! We now have the land as a property for the school.


 This month of July, we managed to visit two congregations where our two student comes from respectively and we have been always accompanied by our former graduate Wongani Gondwe. Wongani Gondwe graduated in 2017, he has married a daughter to Clergynton one of the staff for our school here and he is very energetic and zealous for the work of the Lord.

In both congregations, the brethren showed their excitement for our visit. They appreciated the work the school is doing for training men to be faithful and sound teachers and preachers of the Gospel - 2 Timothy 2:2. They told us that the students have helped the congregations to be faithful and remain in the true "Doctrine" which the Bible teaches.

Brother Clergynton also visited Kamanda Church of Christ where one of our current students is coming from. He said was very encouraged to hear from the church leaders that the student ID doing very well and that he teaches the sound Doctrine which has transformed their worship to as what the Bible directs - Worship in spirit and in Truth. From this same congregation, some men have already signed the application forms for the 2022/2023 intake. Brother Clergynton and our student, had an opportunity to visit some Christians who stopped worshiping and managed to restore one soul to Christ. 


Again, one of our students brother Jimmy Banda who comes from Chisangano church of Christ, together with Kennedy Chiwone the preacher went to restore Kamlezi congregation which is about 5/7 km away. Christians at Kamlezi stopped worshiping for some months and some members asked our student to help them as they wanted to start worshiping. The result after doing a visiting trip for a day, 9 souls were restored. Praise God!

Brother Saliwa Nkosi our former graduate has also reported that one prominent Presbyterian elder believed last Sunday. We are encouraged that the students are doing a great job which has "great reward hereafter".

School Development

Finally we can now report that all forms about the school land lease have been submitted to all in authority and we are waiting for the leased to to given after the Minister of lands to the government signs in the office of president and cabinet (OPC). Next week, the beacons will be put down in all boundaries where the school will be situated.

We are always thankful to Bear Valley Bible Institute - International for the great help you give us for this work. Without your help, the work of winning souls to Christ and training preachers, would have been difficult. May God bless your families and protect us all from the Covid 19 - Pandemic.

Your fellow Ambassadors for Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on August 3, 2020 .