The Good News spreads in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing well in health but most of the students in the Christian schools here are having mumps. (swollen jaw) It is common at this time of the year. Some children at the orphanage also are having it. We are aware of the general panic because of the outbreak of Corona virus. I told the Wotutu congregation yesterday while I was teaching that we are gathering but they should be aware that many of our brethren across the globe will not gather to worship because of the ban of gathering in different countries.

Many congregations have but a live stream of their worship because people can only worship through that directly from their home. My son Ray asked, “How then will they partake of the Lord supper?” I said, “I don’t know, maybe each will partake in their own homes, I cannot tell. I told them that is the more reason we as a church should pray and pray harder for God to intervene as fast as possibly as it pleases Him because if it comes to our country many will not be able to worship nor worship through live stream because many don’t have the type of phones that can help them. Please pray for our country as we pray for you all.

The graduates of our Bear Valley Bible Institutes in English and French Cameroon converged in mile 4 Limbe for evangelism and souls were added into the church there. Keep this work in your prayers.

Brother Abanda Edwin, one of our graduates, spend some time with us preaching and teaching and this gentleman with a Muslim background obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep him in your prayers.

Brother Yerima put a smile on his face as he put on Christ. Pray for him so that through him, many of his family members will follow Christ as well.


I will be around the border to Nigeria as some students are doing some work there. I will be able to cross the border to check on a few things in Nigeria by tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers.

The West Coast Mission is on as some students are there now to nurture the new congregation there.


Thank you very much for all that you have done. Thanks for your prayers and support towards this work. May God bless you and keep you safe. Please share our work with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 18, 2020 .