Guest instructor in Sierra Leone


Operation activities in the month of November and December with Bear Valley Bible Institute are as follows with a summary of major events.


Arrival of Students for the 3rd Quarter session begins in November and ends in December 2019 with 14 students. This quarter involves seven courses. In this we have 2 short courses. We were bless to have Brothers in the persons of Bro. Osman Sheke who teaches on the subject... The life of Christ II and Bro. Steven Ashcraft handle..... Bible Geography. This subject Bible Geography was very interesting as we went through the studies of Bible lands and places. I was privilege to be part of the class for that week. Five weeks was meant for regular courses. These are 1. Old Testament Two; 2. Wisdom Literature; 3. World Religion;  4. Prison Epistle and 5. 1st Corinthians were all climax of the 3rd quarter session. Lecturers on regular courses were as follows.....

Gabriel Abu, A .B Lansana, Joseph G. Bash, Alfred Koyama, Joseph Messalie

Unfortunately one of our students was hospitalized in the middle of November. However, we thank God for his recovery.

Classes are now shutdown for the 3rd Quarter and students sent home for holidays. We are expecting them back on the 1st week of January 2020 for the begining of the 4th Quarter of the First Year, God willing. Kindly remember our students in your prayers 


Evangelism being the heart beat of the Church is what we have not be able to execute effectively. We enjoyed a house to house 3 days Evangelistic campaign before the closedown of school for the quarter. We were grateful to our students for their commitment in that direction. We look forward for better days of performances to come.


On this note we pledge our commitment in doing what we are doing to further the cause of the Gospel. We continually thank all those who are putting their resources to empower men in training for the sake of Christ Jesus. May God Almighty bless you all. On behalf of Management; Staffs and Students of Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema, we wish you all a better year and prosperous 2020 In advance.

Kindly keep us in your prayers and we always do for all.

Yours in Him,

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Sierra Leone

Posted on February 3, 2020 .