Success and sadness in Kenya

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This is KSOP students report for the month of November and early December. This marks the third quarter of the second year of KSOP fourth intake students. We have closed the school on 4th of December, 2020 for the months' holiday.

We had began with 19 students at first, but towards the end of October, one student by the name Kefah Guto had left the school without giving any information as to where he was going. So we have to guess that may be the class has turned to be tough for him or has gone for some work/ business best known to him.

On 30th of Nov.2020, another student by the name Jonathan Asembu died at his home after ailing for some two weeks. He had been the student's' leader for almost two years now. The body will be buried on Tuesday 8th December 2020. His death has surprised us and we ask for prayers. We now have 17 current students.

Before we closed, the students had evangelized the school area and served other local congregations. They had served 14 congregations at the request of local preachers. They made 20 evangelistic trips and as a result had restored 22 individuals back to fellowship with the Lord. They had restored one local church and baptized 21 persons into Christ.

We are looking forward to graduating the 17 students in case they finish up the remaining courses that they will do next year. The graduation day will be March 13th 2021.

We ask for your prayers as we near the end with these students. We also ask for the brethren's prayers for Corona Virus to go down. Thanks to all who have participated in one way or another in supporting KSOP. May the Lord bless you all.

In His service, Elias Omollo

Posted on December 21, 2020 .