Pray for Haiti

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International School of Theology – Haiti

The work in Haiti continues, even in a year like 2020. The great thing about Christ's message is that even a pandemic cannot stop it from moving forward. Souls continue to be being saved, and in Haiti, the gospel is still being preached.  

Please pray for Haiti. 

COVID-19 has had an impact in Haiti with 9,214 reported cases and 232 deaths. We are thankful that not one of our students or teachers had the virus. While the virus seems to be under control, there have been widespread demonstrations, shootings, and kidnappings. I would say that more than 99% of the people in Haiti are good, hardworking, honest, and kind people. Yet, the 1% make it extremely hard on everyone else.  

During the pandemic, the International School of Theology (IST) has continued to function. The students are meeting, and we are looking to extend the program. We are making plans to start a Saturday school, which will allow preachers and others who cannot attend weekdays to attend on the weekend. At this time, we have twenty-eight students. We have both men and women attending who are eager to grow, learn, and teach others.    

Pray for our efforts, pray for the school, pray for the people of Haiti, and pray the church will continue to grow. We know that God has a plan for the future. We may not see His hand working, but He is. God knows our needs, and He knows how to help us meet those needs. As the Christians say in Haiti, "Bondye Bon," God is good.

Larry Waymire

Posted on December 21, 2020 .