Another GREAT year in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni

Malawi – November 2020 Report


Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni in Malawi is always up to thinking about souls. We do teach preachers to be teachers as well as winning as many souls to Christ as we can – 2 Timothy 2:2. It is now 6 years since the school was established and many great things have been achieved in this year of 2020 despite facing the big challenge of the pandemic. God has been so faithful to us in all situations. We have closed for the rainy season until the third week of February, 2021 when the classes shall resume.

Preaching and Teaching

The teaching work has been successful despite the challenge of the pandemic. We have at least done 15 courses this year and we are closing for the rainy season holiday, happy people. Only from the 7th of September to November we have finished 6 courses. We are thankful as well for the zeal the students have shown in preaching work. They have been preaching door to door and lead many souls to Christ.

2020 achievements

Our God has always been faithful to us. We have at least achieved the things we didn’t expect this year to happen as the pandemic was blocking a lot of things. This year we have managed to finalize the buying of the school land, and also apply for the land lease. All the beacons are put in. We were supposed to start putting in the foundation for the class rooms and the hostels, but we are challenged financially because we have paid for the rentals to the campus we are now renting.

2022/2023 Application forms distributed in all Regions of Malawi

We have started sending out applications to all the regions of Malawi that when the time comes we should just conduct interviews. Many people are asking for the application forms which shows the school reputation is beyond recognition all over Malawi. We are proud of our students that most of the graduates since the school started, are helping congregations in the work of preaching and teaching. Same of the students are hired as preachers in local congregations of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lectureship at Rula-Rumphi (Northern Malawi); 17th to 21st of November

We travelled to Rula—Rumphi on the 17th of November, 2020 where we were invited to teach about “Christian Leadership and Church Autonomy including the work of the church to support their preachers”. The average attendance was 106 people. They liked the lessons and admitted that there’s a great need for the qualified men to serve as elders. The problem of not having elders, has led to continual problems in rural congregations that the church is not growing to its spiritual maturity, hence they have their own leadership which is not recognized in the Bible. The lectureship ended with a preaching door to door which led a soul to Christ. God is good!

As we always say; on our own we could not reach where we are without the support the Bear Valley Bible Institute International is giving us. We thank God for you! As the door is widely open for the gospel to be preached and train as many people as we can to be faithful gospel preachers, your involvement is still needed. We are really grateful. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your fellow soldiers of Christ,

Ephron & Clergynton

Posted on December 21, 2020 .