A new congregation in Ghana


Thanks be to God once again for His protection, victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and has given us the necessary care throughout the month. We are victorious because none of us is tested positive for the covid-19. Amen.

We shall not forget our brethren’s cheerful giving both past and present in support of the progress of the school. Glory be to God for His safeguarding our dear brother, Steven Ashcraft for his arrival in Ghana. May we all be blessed in the Name of our Lord!

The following were activities for the month:


According to the school’s calendar and her time table, all instructors are actively teaching as assigned to each one for the quarter. Currently, brother E. O. Larbi is teaching two courses a week (Monday and Thursday) on Book of Acts and Old Testament 3, Roger Asante for New Testament Church 2 (Worship), Gyan Mante for Personal Evangelism 2, Sammy and George for ICT and English. Kojo and Amoo Gyimah will teach (4) four short courses next month. Both Instructors and non-teaching staff are doing very well.


Staff Meeting

There was a staff meeting to discuss the oncoming graduation and its relevant activities. It was concluded that there will be no lectureship prior to the graduation because of covid-19. Few people will be invited and Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) will be provided for all invitees. 

Study Books for the Bear Valley Schools

We were grateful to receive the study books on Life of Christ 1 and 2 packages, to be distributed among the Bear Valley Schools in Ghana. Currently, distribution is ongoing in various schools in the regions. Glory be to God for this wonderful study material.


Our student baptized (1) one person (a female) during school area Evangelism this month and is attending the church at campus.


Doryumu Brethren

This is to report on one of our students by name, Philip Abuquah (the school prefect and evangelist of the host church) who is starting a new church building project on a piece of land, invited the school to assist in exhortation for the support of the work. Brother Amoo Gyimah with the students were present in the service. Our students sang to cheer the programme and funds were raised for the project. We were all happy for this event.

Staff Visits to Past and Present Students

A programme to visit all our past and present students on the field is ongoing. Instructors have been assigned to visit all students according to the administrative structure for the visitation. Amoo Gyimah visited New Ningo where Boye Larye is the evangelist. Bro. E. O. Larbi visited Achimota, Accra where Antwi Augustin is the evangelist. We hope to do this to strengthen both the churches and the preachers.

Students Visit to Churches

The school has started its visitation to assigned churches for practical teaching and preaching programme which was abandoned due to the covid-19. We are privileged to have “smaller” and newly planted churches seeking our support in reviving them.

Some of these are: Krabokese, Pakro Road, Panpanso No.1, all in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Our students have started working with these congregations including the Papase-Kotoku congregation this month.


Thanks be to the Almighty God who saw us through all activities with Joy. We appreciate your support, prayer, and love.

Keep praying with us.

God bless us all.

Posted on October 19, 2020 .