Student activities in Nepal

Nepal Center for Biblical Study

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

Our regular classes

We have reviewed our lessons. Brother Jerry Golphenee had in depth study in the book of Revelation with students. He had given assignment for all students to present any lessons from book of study. Students reviewed lessons, had private study in their room, presented their short lessons in the class room and had group discussion. Besides of this lesson brother Jerry covered student's requested topics like: Tithe, Sunday worship or Saturday worship?, Women's role in the Church, Christian family, music in the service, Melchizedek- high priest. I was teaching lesson from how to manage money in the family and in the Church, in depth study on Sermon on the Mount, questions and discussion related to the Christian family and Church problems.

Local evangelism

We take all our students in three different local congregations for experience. Some time our male students got opportunity to lead songs, preach and teach to the congregations. Most of our ladies students do teaching to other women in different congregations.

We had men and women combined Bible study at sister Sunita's home. We studied from book of Acts. Our male students and our all school teachers presented their lessons. We took our students to visit sick family members at hospital and in their home. We had opportunities to teach Jesus to the non believers.

Voice of  Truth International

We did print out our voice of truth international in Nepali edition. This is our second volume. This is one of the gospel tools to spread out to the people. Brother Jerry and Sister Paula Bates are financially helping us in printing. We are working to print for another volume. Probably we will print out in the month of October 2019.

New Students

We will have more than ten male students for next group. We have given message to our graduated students, preacher and congregations all over Nepal. I can't give you exact number in this time. We will do Churches visiting program after graduation. We will not enroll any female students.

Thank you all of your prayer, love, suggestions and guidance.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar

Posted on September 10, 2019 .