Graduation upcoming in Haiti

What a great week it has been in Haiti! A bit warm, daily temperatures from 98-102 but a cool 75 at night.

The new class schedule is almost finished, the student handbook will be finished soon. The graduating students are excited and the new students are nervous. We will have the first graduation on our campus on August 10th. This is an exciting and major step in our development. This also means, more people will be visiting our campus, speaking with our students and seeing that God's word and His are the focus of our teaching.

As of today, we have 12-15 new students who will be attending. It is also exciting to announce our first two female students. The church in Haiti and around the world need more ladies who are able to share God's message with lost souls. More information and pictures will come soon.

We are also adding a three year Saturday program! This will allow those who have full-time jobs to attend IST. I have been meeting with students, the directors and some of the teachers as we approach the new year. On the 30th, we will have an all-day seminar with all of our teachers. To have well-trained students, it is important to have well-trained teachers. Therefore, a continuing education program is being implemented to help our, already great teachers to become even greater.

This week we had a youth retreat at IST. We had between 40 and 50 youth, spending three nights at IST. The singing was great, the classes uplifting and challenging and they spent one-morning knocking doors in the community. Someone made the stated, "maybe next year some of the American youth can join us." Maybe!!!!

My birthday was the 29th and Brother Viciere and our directors Brother Felix and Beaubrun gave me a surprise birthday party. I am so thankful for my Christian family in Haiti.

Keep the work in Haiti in your prayers. "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7

Larry Waymire

Posted on August 12, 2019 .