An incredibly productive "break" in Kenya

This is to let brethren know what the Bible students at the Kenya school of preaching had done during the three weeks June holiday and what takes place now at the institution. The number of students is 20 (twenty) and during the holiday, they served twenty eight (28) local congregations. They as well made forty seven (47) evangelistic trips and attended five (5) gospel meetings. They conducted eighty seven (87) Bible studies and preached forty sermons (40). All these they did within a period of three weeks and as a result, twenty one baptisms have been conducted, eighteen individuals (18) restored back to local church services and three (3) local congregations restored back to sound doctrine.

The classes began officially on 1st of July 2019 and these are the teachers and courses they teach;

Regular classes; Charles Ogutu teaches 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles. He also teaches the Gospel of Luke. Ochola Joseph teaches the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Timothy Winks teaches 1 Peter & 2 Peter and Jude. Elias Omollo teaches Personal Evangelism II (church planting).

Short course teachers are Peter Ray Cole and Mike Reese. Peter Ray teaches Marriage and family life while Mike Reese teaches the Gospel of John.

Other good things that take place at the preaching school include;

Local congregations still taking Mission Printing materials (tracts and booklets) for their evangelism and edification. Preachers' boxes are now over. Nixon Ochieng also enrolls students in World Bible School Correspondence courses.

Thanks for those who have been supporting the school in one way or another. May the Lord bless you abundantly and may He remember your efforts toward his name. Thanks again for your continued prayers for the work here. We also pray for you. Be blessed.

In His service,


Posted on July 13, 2019 .