Mission Printing materials reaching souls in Kenya

This is to share with you what has taken place at the Kenya School of Preaching, a branch of the Bear Valley Bible Institute. This is about what the students had done while at the school during the 3rd quarter/semester. The current students are twenty (20) in number. Full time African teachers are two (2) Charles and Elias. American Instructor has been one (1)-Dr. Mike Rowand.

This quarter the students had managed to visit and serve ten (10) local congregations around Kisumu. These are the nearby churches that they visit on weekends, sometimes at the request of local preachers in those congregations or home local congregations. During their visit and evangelizing the are around the school, the students had managed to make 28 evangelistic trips, attended 4 gospel meetings, conducted 44 Bible studies (classes) with prospects and preached 55 sermons. As a result of all these efforts, two (2) individuals had been restored back to fellowship with the Lord and with believers in one congregation. They had as well conducted 27 baptisms and restored one local church back to the right doctrine.

The school had closed on 7th of June, 2019 and they will be away till they report back beginning on 28th of June, 2029 for 4th quarter.

As per the Mission Printing Literature at the school, Local church preachers still come to pick the tracts for evangelism and edification. This they do with the help of vehicles, motorcycles and small trucks called "Tuktuk" which are meant for carrying luggage.

We also have WBS- World Bible School materials which local preachers take with them as they come for the tracts. These they use to provoke prospects to study the Bible with them and be converted at the end. The one man who has committed himself to working with these is called Nixon Ochieng, a preacher at Migosi local congregation.

Towards the end of the quarter, one of our current students (David Mwai) had lost his beloved father and preacher- Lucas Mwai. The father had been a preacher at Sota Lord's congregation for many years.We went with some students to be with the bereaved family and helped with the burial. It is our request that you still remember the family in your prayers.

Thanks to God the Almighty for the the much good he has accomplished with the Bible students at the KSOP. Thanks to all of you who have been supporting the preaching school in one way or another, either with prayers, money or service. May the Almighty continue to use you for the continuance of the training program and the much good that is done to the lost and the saved. Be all blessed,

In His service,


Posted on June 25, 2019 .