First campaign in Abuja



The Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja 1st Evangelism Campaign was organized after a prospect follow-up exercise conducted on a listener of the 'Let the Bible Speak' program of the Church of Christ, Kado Abuja, in a remote village of Tunga Madaki Gaku village, behind the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja, on the 1st June 2019 at 8am.

The campaign featured students and faculty of Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja, World Bible School Abuja team members, and members of the Church of Christ, Iddo-Sarki, with a total of 56 participants, consisting of 42 students, 6 faculty, 4 WBS team members and 4 Church of Christ Iddo-Sarki members. A team of Medical & Health officials from Talk Project Consulting provided health services to the members of the community.



Among the activities for the campaign were house-to-house preaching, open-air campaign and health services. The house-to-house preaching produced three (3) baptisms (2 male and 1 female) . Also, the open-air campaign had seventy-nine (79) participants in attendance, with  ten (10) visitors from different denominational churches, such Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Evangelical Reformed Christian Church (ERCC), Evangelical Church of Winning All (ECWA) etc, including a retired Pastor of ERCC. Over 100 members of the community benefited from the free health services, which includes High Blood Pressure check, sugar test etc.


The seed of the word of God had been sown into the hearts of many through the campaign, and many hearts received but few accepted, else the need for follow-up and study time. The good news about the campaign is the relationship built with the community chief, though a Muslim, but wholeheartedly received and accepted the team and approved the open-air venue and a land for the church use.

We give God the glory for the opportunity to be used for His work and special thanks to the students and faculty of Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja, World Bible School Abuja Team and others for their contributions and participation in the campaign.



Posted on June 10, 2019 .