Continued growth in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for April 2019

Our major second quarter activities at Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute commenced on 22nd April 2019. As in previous quarters we had both indoor and outdoor activities though this time for a limited period compared to other months in the past. Nevertheless, we did our best to fulfill all necessary requirements one of which considered the central focus of all outdoor activities is evangelism resulting to the conversion of 3 souls. Below are the details.

Classroom: By His grace we are still maintaining the 17 students on roll. Regular classes did commence, but we had to adjust the course schedule especially for the short course initially set for the 7th week. Bro Balla was rescheduled to conduct his class right from day 1, the first and only week to finish the month. This was done because the instructor was not sure of being available in any other week during the quarter. The results were very good.

Evangelism: The new congregation at Bilin which was started during our first quarter break on 31st March had another one soul added on 14th April. Since all the conversions so far in that village were during our break when I was also away, necessity was laid upon me not only to participate evangelize the village, but especially to go see the new converts. Therefore Sunday, 21st April just before classes resume the next day we made a visit of acquaintance and to strengthen the brethren. Our meeting was one of delight! It resulted to the conversion of 2 additional souls that day.

In our last report for the month of March we explained the conversions of persons in 2 different villages (Foidou and Bilin) said to be 2 new congregations. The good news now about especially the men at Foidou is that they have taken upon themselves even while we were on break to advance the message in most of their surrounding villages, thus paving the way for a greater conversion in May. Details of this are soon coming in our next report.

Dining Hall Repairs: The first rains of Gueckedou town were accompanied by violent winds and thunder blasts. Many families saw the roofs of their houses fly away. Bear Valley’s dining hall was no exception. Tarpaulins of one-half of the shelter were torn apart and destroyed. We had no option, but to speedily engage repairs which were completed in 2 days.

Literature Reception and Distribution: We owe a big “thank you” and appreciation to the “French World Outreach” / Barry Baggott based in Nashville, TN who is a great blessing to our preaching ministry. In deed bro Baggott had sent us 4 cartons of New Testament Index Bibles, tracts and pamphlets most of which (except Bibles) are often distributed during all our campaigns and evangelistic trips. These too have their part in proclaiming the good news of Christ (and his church). French World Outreach must be recognized as a part in the conversions being done at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible School!

Conclusion: We had only 1 week of major activities for the month of April, but are thankful to God for the classroom and outdoor activities especially for the 3 souls converted. With the initiative of advancing the gospel message by the men of Foidou, an exciting report of greater conversions is on the way.

Our thanks and appreciations to you all especially those of you who support this paramount work. God bless us all!


Posted on May 28, 2019 .