An update from Nepal

Nepal Center for Biblical Study

Lalitpur, Nepal

March 2019

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.


We had Brother Jerry Bates and Sister Paula Bates from USA. We had three days of Bible seminar from March 12th -14th. Fifty people were participated on the seminar. He presented nine lessons.

Churches visited

Soon after Bible seminar I traveled for 11 days of visiting different churches at mountain. People began to construct their houses. Some of the places have completed their homes. I have added some pictures of the houses.

Three weeks of holidays

We will begin our three weeks of short holidays from March 29th –April 19th. We will revisit with our graduated students for recruitment in this holiday camp. 

Thank you all of your prayer, support, love and guidance.

I will sent you another report in next month.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar

Posted on April 10, 2019 .