32 baptized in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. It is always great to stop by and to say hello to you for all that you do for the work here. We are fine although still in the crisis but our God is still sitting on the throne. Thanks for your prayers so far and keep your prayers going up to God.

I am pleased to report to you the very first mission work from the EPSILON batch as they just returned from their first mission work in 20 different villages and towns. The van was available to take some students to a reasonable distance with tracts from Mission Printing and some Bibles for new converts. Thanks for the presence of the van that is helping to transfer more students at a time. THE FIELD IS RIPE BUT LABOURERS ARE FEW  so this is a great tool to help in our evangelistic efforts.

Where motor bikes cannot go and where vans cannot continue, students will carry tracks on their heads and trek long distances because souls are important. We do all that is in our power to preach so as to eliminate all excuses.

Our students are so zealous! They penetrate villages and they meet villagers still in their very primary harbor like this one. But, in these very enclaved villages, the people will still open their hearts as well as their doors of their houses to still listen to the gospel. We want all ears to hear the truth.

The students returned with joy because God added 32 souls precious to the Church who will be worshiping the various congregations they are around. There was also a total of 26 restorations. We have discovered that the crisis has affected the many areas because the number of restored Christians has reduced drastically since we started in 2011 because we are able to fill up empty pulpits with trained preachers less Christians are falling away. The crisis has displaced many people so that now some have move into areas where they could not identify find the church. Backsliding therefore is also an aspect the church is suffering from as a result of the crisis. We are doing our best to establish congregations in as many new places as possible as well as help congregations and displaced members find each other. Please pray for our country. We have been neglected by the international communities and our neighbors.


I am invited to speak in a lectureship in the French speaking part of Cameroon in the north. I will be speaking on “CHILDREN OF GOD AND SUFFERING.” Please keep me and my wife in your prayers as it is a very long distance to make it there.

We shall soon be back in our west coast mission.


Thank you for helping in the many ways you are helping this work. If not of you, it would not have been possible. God brought you for a purpose. Keep up the good work. His reward is sure.

Do your best to share with our reports with others.

Elangwe and family,

By His grace director BVBIC - Wotutu

Posted on April 10, 2019 .