Back to business in Accra


Thanks be to the God Almighty, who has made our living fruitful since last year to date. Peace be with you brethren, for the time spending on remembrance of us in your daily prayers, we are grateful to hear about you from time to time. Stay bless and long live.


Praise the Lord with us for His guidance through numerous challenges we had in the past year and mercifully made everything new in this year, 2019. Our hope is that everything continuous peacefully.

Praise Him!


On 11th January, 2019, the Degree in Biblical Studies, started with thirteen applicants. Orientation was organized by Mr. E. O. Larbi and students were introduced. Beginning of the programme, the students sat for an entrance exam in order to check exactly if they qualify and that they have varied entry requirements. In order for them to start the general course, series of assignments has been given to them to be completed and submit before or on the next school day. This will show if they will be capable for pursuing the program or not.


14th January, 2019, the Accra school resumed from Christmas holidays and classes commenced with the following courses: Hermeneutics 2, Life of Christ 3, Pastoral Epistles, Marriage, Inter-testamental Period, Communication Skills and Computer.


Currently, 13 students are for the full time department. 11 are present and seriously pursuing their regular courses. The 2, Daniel Agyei, one of the instructors in Tamale and at the same time a student at SIBS has not reported and hopefully, will come to Accra to complete his courses when he completes his duties in Tamale. Also, Joseph Boafo has not reported due to his job schedule and the board is yet to discuss the necessary action due a student who reports late to school or for class.

All teaching and non-teaching staff are present and warmly carrying out their responsibilities as per the schools’ time table for this quarter.


As per the schools’ quarterly activities, there are two (2) campaigns scheduled. One in Sekyi-Agyakwa School, Nsawam and the other at Nungua, Accra.

The Nsawam campaign has successfully completed with two (2) baptisms. In the full 7 days’ activities, the programme was held in three aspects; open air in the evenings, dawn and house to house preaching. All the students participated well as per those who were able to attend up. Two instructors were present to see to it that the activities went through well.

We are highly impressed with the effective of the students’ participation and eager to do the work.

We still ask that you keep us supported with your prayers, God bless you. Amen.

Posted on March 12, 2019 .