19 more baptized in Liberia


Dear Brethren,

Greetings come to you all from your fellow laborers in Liberia, West Africa and hoping that this report meets you in good health and sound mind. We also want to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year as we anticipate to accomplish great deal of work for our maker this year.


During the close of the last year, on the 14th of December 2018, our students and the staff vacated for the Christmas holidays. During the break, our students were actively involved into serious evangelistic work with their local congregations and in other communities that haven't heard the gospel. When they all came back, I made them to write a comprehensive report on their vacation, addressing the following:

  1. Where did you spend your vacation?

  2. What work were you involved with?

  3. Which church did you work with?

  4. How long did you stay at one Location?

  5. Who did you work with? Please give their contacts.

  6. What did you achieve?

  7..What do you recommend?

We are thrilled with the results from their very first vacation. We called back to their congregations and communities and it was confirmed of their hard work and good examples. In all, they led nineteen (19) precious souls to the Lord.. Most of their recommendations are request to take the campaigns to most of the towns that need the gospel. Meanwhile, we are very grateful to God for bringing all of us back to school safely to continue our academic first quarter for the new batch of students.


It is very amazing how very zealous these our new batch of students are in terms of house to house evangelism. The campus ministry is doing very well right now from their efforts. Since they came, they have in all baptized 34 person. To God be the glory.. Amen!!


With the burning quest to spread the gospel speedily to the lost in so many communities that have never heard the undiluted word of God or known the Lord's church, the staffs and students have decided to carry out ten (10) campaigns in all this year including our required four (4) campaigns according to Bear Valley Curriculum. We are cutting down our vacations to make sure to accomplish this set goals of ours.


We appreciate highly your continued support and prayers for this work in Liberia. With all the economic challenges in this part of the world, we are still grateful that with your help we are able to do the Lord's will. We won't have don't this work without your involvements. Thank you so much for your love for God and your desires to see His will on earth be done.

Thank You,

Your Brother For Christ Sake;

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director-Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia

Tell: +231888838918 / +231775161235

Email: robertdahn@yahoo.com

Posted on February 19, 2019 .