Final exams in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing better in health and other things. We do hope you are doing great in all that you do for family and for the Lord. Last week went on well in all of the ministries from the congregation, to the Bible school, to the orphanage, and also the Christian schools.

Students were busy during last week writing their final exams which marked the end of their first year of intensive studies here, The Exams went on well and marking is on now.

The students are done with their final exams. They were presented in the congregation for the church to thank God for a successful finish of their first year. A special prayer was offered for them as we wished them well in their next field work that will start on the 8th of December after the annual Bible lectureship.

The students will always amaze the Wotutu congregation whenever they have the opportunity to preach. Brother Pride Clinton did a good job today preaching the sermon. Keep them in your prayers as they grow.

We also preach as staff. As we preach, it is also a moment for the students to learn. As I taught a class today on our yearly theme, we evaluated how far the church have benefited from theme. It was a great Bible class from Psalms 23.

Brother Kunda is a member in Wotutu. He is an agronomist and whenever he has opportunity to teach, he will do his best to give advice on farming to our Christians as we are all peasant farmers. He teaches vocational training on Agriculture in the Bible college to reduce the gap of dependency as they get into full time preaching.


On Wednesday the 4th of Dec we shall travel to Mbanga for the annual Bible lectureship. It will be a time to evangelize the Mbanga community and also to have fellowship with brethren all over the country of Cameroon.


Thank you very much for your prayers and support. They are the wheels that made this work move smoothly. Share our report with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

Posted on December 20, 2019 .