Prayers for Haiti

International School of Theology – Haiti

International Extension School of Bear Valley Bible Institute 

IST Enters Its Sixth Year 

The International School of Theology (IST) has now entered its sixth year of training gospel preachers and teachers.  The graduating class of 2019 was the first group of students to complete the three-year program.  Excited about reaching the lost, planting new congregations and strengthening existing congregations, these men move forward.  Your prayers are requested for them and their service.  With the departing class there is also an incoming class of students.  We are excited to have four ladies who have entered the program.  These ladies presently serve in local congregations.  They are involved in teaching younger women, leading in ladies’ activities and teaching Bible classes for ladies and children.  Their goal for attending IST, is to become better teachers of God’s precious word.  Fifteen men have entered the three-year program.   They have embarked upon a journey that will change their lives and influence the saving of souls for generations.  Please pray for all of our students, teachers and directors. 

Prayers for Haiti 

Prayers are needed for the country of Haiti.  For almost a year Haiti has been in turmoil because of political unrest.  Medical teams, short term mission groups, and working groups have had to cancel their trips.  I had to cancel two of my trips to visit with the students and teach short courses.  There have been weeks when the students of IST have not been able to attend class.  Roadblocks, burning of tires, and shootings often bring Haiti to a standstill and the government has had little power to stop the demonstrations. While there has been no violence directly in the area of IST, the demonstrations prompted the need for more security.  Therefore, a ten-feet high, 460-feet long wall has been constructed on the back portion of the IST property.  This stops crossover traffic and will help keep squatters from trying to live on the property.  When funds are raised, the other side of the property will be walled.  Once this is accomplished, the entire property will be walled and secure; the estimated cost for this is $12,000.   Please pray as efforts are made to enclose and secure the property of IST. 

God Is Still in Control

While concerned about the problems in Haiti and for the safety of the church, our students, teachers and directors, we know that God is still in control.  God does not want the unrest, but if we truly give this situation to him, he will use it to his glory.  Just as he used the earthquake to open the door to thousands of souls, he will use this in some way.  It may not be apparent today how God will use this unrest but trusting in God is the key to weathering the storm.  Thank you for your continued prayers for IST, the government, the people and the church in Haiti.    “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!”  The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  (Psalms 46:10,11)

Larry Waymire


Posted on October 7, 2019 .