Guest instructor in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We give honor and glory to God who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom and report about the events during the month of September.

Indeed the month of September has been packed with events as far as the school is concerned. First, we were very privileged to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach. In his marathon trip of Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Malawi he came to Zambia and He taught the book of 2nd Corinthians. He left Zambia on the 14th September, 2019 to go to Malawi on yet another call of duty mission. The students have continued talking about the lessons gleaned from his course. This is an indication that he really did as always an outstanding job! We are blessed to have men like him and we are looking forward to see more come and teach our students. We applaud the work that he is doing here in Africa for God!

Before the conclusion of this quarter, as the saying goes “let’s roll” the school will again be blessed with yet another short course which will be taught by Brother Kennedy Mukuka later in the quarter. He will be teaching “Marriage and Christian life”. We are looking forward to having him.

The students have continued to impress us as they work in the kingdom to do their duty, Joseph Musonda has continued to perform his expected work in Mansa as he is working together with the brothers in Luapula province at a newly planted church. Clive kabika is doing a great work for the Lord as he is helping the church in central province of Zambia to resolve leadership problems that the Church is facing as at now.

Students as always have been evangelizing in Luanshya district which has resulted in the spiritual births of three souls on 20th September 2019. We really glorify the Lord for this! They have also restored nine (9) souls back to the sheepfold. The institute was also invited to help teach gathered World Bible School students in Kitwe district, brother Cephas Mwamba and Kennedy Mukuka delivered their preaching on salvation and we have continued to study with these students and hopefully it will result into more souls being saved we had a gathering of 41 students from different denominations.

We believe that God’s Word is powerful! And we know that our training in the Bible will undoubtedly yield results. How much results will depend upon God and the receptivity of the people who will hear God’s Word through our students and their lifelong ministry in the Kingdom.

Our hearts are truly thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this good work here in Zambia. We will likewise pray that God will bless the works that you all are involved in.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on October 7, 2019 .