Classes in session in Myanmar

Dear brethren,

I am so pleased to inform you about BVBI of Myanmar. We resume our five weeks classes on October 7 and will go until November 8. On the first week of our school, we had only five students but since the second week, we have seven students. If I am included in the lists of students, then we are eight. It is a big challenge to have more students and regularly as some students are working and even some went to abroad to work for a living.

Please continually pray for us to have more students who is really dedicated. We will cover five subjects again in this session. After the school, the students will be going out for campaigns and going home to share what they have learned.

I am so happy to work with you in training effective preachers for Myanmar. It is doubtful to me that all students will become a great communicator of the gospel but if one become, I believe we are not wasting our time and money.

Thank you so much for your fellowship in the gospel.
Philip Van Biak Lian

Posted on October 28, 2019 .