Campaign success in Liberia

Bear Valley Bible Institute- Ganta Liberia Operations Reports- September-2019


We bring you greetings from Liberia, West Africa, hoping this report meets you all in good health and sound mind. We are happy to share with you all the happenings in the month of September. We are so grateful to God that classes here in the school are going on very well without any major problems. All the students and instructors are in very good health and sound mind.


It had been a great blessing to be called by people themselves who want the true. Earlier this year we have received many calls from lots of individuals and some time the whole town requesting the establishment of the Lord's church there. These calls has been coming because of the they have been listening and following our Radio preaching program for some time now and have come to the conclusions that the church of Christ is the One True Church. These are unbelievers asking that the gospel we preached on the radio be preach to them in their towns and the church be set up there. This we we think is a very great opportunity for all of us to share the saving message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with others.

On September 3rd, Brother Steven Ashcraft sent us $575.00 to fund one extra campaign. By the help of God, we traveled from Ganta on September 11th through a very terrible road to one of the towns ( Meiplay) that had been calling for some time and spent seven (7) days doing houses to house evangelism and public preaching in the evenings. This effort resulted in 26 person giving their lives to Christ through water baptism and the beginning of a new congregation. We were also bless to find two old baptized members (Couple) in the town who had not been worshiping for over 12 year due to relocation. In our very first worship in Meiplay town, everyone were very shocked to see the turned out that day. We were 67 adults and 32 children in worship. Many more people promised to be baptized and many promised to continued to visit the church. We want to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to brother Steven for his support toward this campaign that saw souls being rescued from hell.


In March this year whiles the school was on vacation, thief enter the school campus making away with some items including one of the school motorbike and the school generator. By the special grace of God, the school now also has another brand New motorbike added on the one we already have before making it two bikes. Many thanks to brother Keith Kasarjian for providing the money to buy these items. These motorbikes help the students go out of the campus during the weekends to faraway towns and villages to help encouraged weak congregations in teaching, preaching and evangelism as part of their practical training in the school. These efforts are helping many congregations in restoring members, strengthening weak brethren and exposing the Lord's church in those communities 


BROTHER GEORGE G. LEAMAH SR. hailed from a town called Zontuo in the Zoe Geh Districe, Nimba county. He has been serving the Lord's church in Bahn city since his conversion to the church in January 2000. Four years ago,he went back to his home town and established children Bible study group even with his limited knowledge in the scriptures and has been very good with it till he hear of the school. Now that he has the opportunity to attend the Bear valley Bible Institute, he is requesting the school to take a campaign to Zontuo and establish the church there.

Brother George has been a classroom teacher by profession. He is married to sister Kema Leamah and they are bless with eight (8) children: six boys and two girls. His family are very happy that he wants to be a gospel preacher.


The work in Liberia is picking up, especially in the rural area of the country. This is being accomplished because of your support. Thank you so much.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Posted on October 28, 2019 .