Continued progress in Sierra Leone

Hello brethren in the lord.

We thank God for possessing a piece of land for the school in Sierra Leone.

Above is a photo of the land purchased measuring (0.5915) hectare of land, followed by a rented house for the School. We want to appreciate the good work you are doing in support of the gospel in this part of the vineyard.


We have developed a bigger garden for agriculture farming than last year. We have established a farm for the school which contained a mixture of crops predominantly groundnuts


Short and long courses conducted by our lecturers with Students fully participating in the teaching and preaching process in the classroom


After series of visitations and house to house evangelism within the Kenema communities, we are going for an outreach campaign in all the areas we have visited  to spend a week long teachings and preaching program, starting from the 18th to 25th June.2018.  A report will follow later.

We ask for special prayers from all the brethren

Thank you.

In Christ

Bro. Ishmael S. Bangura

Posted on June 18, 2018 .