Positive changes in Sierra Leone

Hello Brethren in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in whom we live forever Amen. We are happy to report the following development that has taken place this second year of our studies in Sierra Leone.

We are on the verge to relocate the School outside Kenema Town which lies about (3) three miles along the Liberia board road. We have purchased a large portion of land for the School which is about 1.5 acres of land. The Dean supervising students at the new site in the burning and clearing exercise over the weekend


The Dean and Bro Victor Sahr a student visited congregations out of Kenema and shared the word of God with them, below is a picture of the activities in which four soul were baptized by Bro Victor Sahr


Every Saturday our students are engaged in practical evangelism work from house to house within the community in Kenema where they share the word of God with people they meet. Classroom teachings and preaching are ongoing with student’s practical work.

CAMPAIGN FOR NEW STUDENTS ADMISSION: We have started our campaign from church Church in Segbema , Kailahun , Kono, etc to sensitize members of the churches of Christ to enroll for next year academic school.

God bless,

Ishmael Bangura

Director, BVBI-SL

Posted on May 28, 2018 .