A new congregation is planted in Zimbabwe


Jesus’ great commission remains pivotal at BVBIZ. Though many efforts are taken to equip students for the ministry, the end result is always to obey this commission. In brief, BVBIZ exists to fulfill this endeavour. Students, whom we take as Jesus’ foot soldiers are currently at various centres doing their practicum. This is the main activity that transpired in the month of April.


This year’s field program runs between April and May. Deployment was done on the 4th of April. This is an opportunity for students to put into practice what they have been learning in class and during their weekend practicum. Our appreciation goes to the congregations that are hosting the students and the individual men and women who in their capacities are trying to meet the needs of the students.


Teachers have succeeded in making their first follow up of students. Another follow up shall be done in May. At each follow up, teachers will identify weaknesses, challenges, strengths and evaluate each student. The teach will assist each student on the practical aspect. The director also made independent visits to almost every camp.


A campus congregation at Midlands State University has now become a reality. Authorities at the University had taken long to grand the permission and several Church of Christ students did not have opportunity to worship. BVBIZ shall be working with the University students buoyed by the Nashville church of Christ congregation here in Gweru. The school shall use these students as a pivot for evangelism. The picture below speaks a lot about what these students were missing.


A new congregation started at Nora Valley near Ruwa. This has been made possible by BVBIZ students who were posted to the area. The Nyakudya and Zungunde families have been behind this vision. Please find attached, a report from students at Nora Valley.


The graduation ceremony for our first batch of students shall take place on the 2nd of June 2018 beginning at 10am. BVBIZ, therefore, invites you to witness her first ever graduation ceremony.


Finally we would like to thank you all for your moral, spiritual and financial support. Our request this

month is that you keep remembering the students who are in the field. Our desire is that the world be won to Christ. To God be the glory!

Mathew Muchingham, Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on May 13, 2018 .