Campaign results in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ ,

Greetings from the beautiful Country of Cameroon. We send our deep love to you and hope you are doing fine in all that you. Life is going well in Wotutu just some sickness as many are having severe malaria but God is watching over us.

Our students are all back on campus and studies are going on without any major problems. December is fast approaching and we are not leaving any stone unturned to fully prepare these men into the world and devour the devil and his plans to disturb and stop as many from going to God. Graduation will be the open gate for them to go and MAKE DISCIPLES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY OF CAMEROON.

This quarter we are on and one week is already gone , with the following rich courses lined up for transplanting to the hearts and brains of these men ,ADVANCE HERMENEUTICS, ADVANCED HOMILETICS , MINOR PROPHETS , THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, THE BOOK OF JAMES, GREEK CHURCH MUSIC.

Our students full of gratitude to receive preacher boxes from Mission Printing containing books , that they will build their personal libraries in their homes after they left school, to stay on the pulpit and to remain sound you need to be a reader and researcher. Our students know this that is why they are sending special appreciation to all who donated books to mission printing so that they can send to them, especially brother Richard Renfro. They said more grace to them and all the volunteers working in mission printing ,God will bless them and keep them strong .

Statistics during our last mission work to 18 locations .

Total baptism =================== 28

Total restored  ================ 8

Total newly established congregation ========== 3

Total congregation revived  ============== 1


We are sending students to our newly established congregations  every weekend to keep them worshipping. Brother Paul Kee is inviting us in May for a scholarship lectureships


God bless you for all your efforts towards this work ,Thank you for opening your heart to allow God to use you to accomplished all these , what would have been our fate without you , keep us God will pay you in due season. Share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu

Posted on April 8, 2018 .