Short course in Liberia

We bring you greetings from the Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia, hoping all is very well with you all by the special grace of God our loving and faithful father in heaven.

February was a very busy month for both the students and the instructors in that there were lots to be done in the class room. The students are doing very well and are all working very hard to become good workers in the Lord's kingdom.

Short Course

We were privilege again to have  Brother Nathan Tears from Bong mines for the short course in February . He took the students through the book of 1 Corinthians and they all were happy for the level of work He did with them.

I also had the privilege to teach a short course in Sierra Leone for the second time. I took the students through Marriage and Family life and I am so happy that I have been part of the lives and training of those students in that part of the world. As the assistant coordinator for this region, I also had the privilege to meet with the instructors and the Administration both in Sierra Leone and Guinea and encouraged them to do the same things as Bear Valley required from all of us. Giving out the rules and regulations that we all need to follow to make all of us better both the students and all of us instructors.

Brother Steven met me in Sierra Leone and together we traveled to Guinea where we had the opening ceremony of the newest Bear Valley school in West  Africa.


We thank you so much for making it possible through your sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom for the Lord's work in this part of the world to go on. May God richly bless you.

 In Him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Director- BVBI-Liberia

Posted on April 5, 2018 .