Back to school in Tamale

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Back to School: The school has reopened and the students except one have reported. The classes are ongoing and every activity in the school is going on as usual. All the teachers are seriously teaching their lessons and the students are also well participating in all lessons. We are praying and wishing them all the best for their fifth term. After this term there will be a long vacation for the students to do some farming which goes to support their families.

Administrative Activities: Administratively, whatever is needed to move the school forward is in place as everyone works within his capacity to bring growth and development in the school.

Reports from some students: During the break, Baaba Elijah, a student from Yuah community in Upper East of Northern Ghana was able to preach and teach and got one baptism of a new soul into the Church.

Samuel Jakum, a student from Zabliya reported the problem of lack of water to do baptism whenever there is someone to be baptized. He studied and got someone to be baptized but there is no water to do so as this is the dry season. In that case he needs to travel about 27 miles away to river Wanpu in Bimbilla in order to find water to do the baptism. That has not happened yet in this part of Ghana as the means is very high in cost to the average person.

Abraham also reported to the management having the same problem at his place of preaching. Water has always been a serious problem whenever it comes to the dry season in most of the places in the Northern Ghana.

Having received such a heartfelt report, what the school can do is to go there with the school car to help. But at the moment we lack support for such a noble task.

The Work Done: The renovation of the staff quarters is completed and is ready for use by the instructors of the school. The plastering of the students’ toilet and the changing of the water closets system are also completed. The painting work is on-going, hoping it will see completion this week.

The school is also blessed the purchase of a new freezer for the students’ and staffs’ use. This is a great necessity as it will help us keep and save some food items and vegetables.

Please pray with us, things are not well economically, with God, we can sail through. Thanks

Alex Jabado, BVBI-Tamale

Posted on April 5, 2018 .