Off to a great start in Guinea!

Dear brethren,

By the grace of God after the opening ceremony of 25th February Bear Valley Guinea successfully started classes and the school was able to go through the following activities during the month of March 2018.

Classroom: The first quarter classroom activities began with 15 students on 5th March while the other expected 4 arrived on later subsequent dates concluding the number to 19. Three of the 5 major courses are being taught plus the French language. There is the spirit of anxiety and enthusiasm in both the students and staff. Some 60 percent of the students are on a higher level of understanding while the others are to double up efforts. Our classroom (the second) devotion is at 10 AM and the preaching schedule include both staff and students. Most of the sermons from the staff are exhortations to the evangelist and his work of gospel preaching for which purpose the students have come to be trained.

Evangelism: We have grasped the opportunity of public preaching through the local radio made available to us, the school by the local church in Gueckedou.. Once a week we are on the air for 30 minutes. A few of our students are on this preaching schedule too. We have also done a personal one on one preaching, firstly with family members, relatives and friends of the students and staff and this resulted in the conversion of 3 souls and one restoration.

Challenges: Besides the surrounding villages, Gueckedou is a bigger town and the challenge is for us to explore the school (which is a great blessing for us) to seek and to save the lost.

In the absence of our own copier which was bought, but was damaged by the bus accident, we are faced with an inexcusable need to continue to make copies of students and staff study materials on a general commercial basis. The repairs of the copier have taken too long and we are doubting or rather lost hope that it can be done.

Accomplishments: Until February the 25th, all of our dreams and efforts to establish a Bible training center in Guinea were, but a shadow. But since March the 5th the reality of that dream has been made real and a school, “l’Institute Biblique Bear Valley” has been established with 19 students and classes are in full swing.

Personal profile: Student Niouma 2 Kamano is a member of the Solondonin, Gueckedou church. He was converted in February 2014 in Conakry at the time when I was trying to build up a congregation in the area called Faban. His conversion was long and I was losing patient, but today I realize through his dedication and service that he was investigating to ensure the faith into which he later help to bring other friends. In 2016 when I was on my way to the regional headquarters of N’zerekore for a bible seminar, he encouraged me to stop for a few days in order to discuss God’s word with some 7 persons he had assembled. 5 of these were converted after a 2 days discussion and his wife was a part. Even now in Gueckedou he is of great help in the church work. He is one of those doing the baptism of the 3 conversions mentioned above under “evangelism”. In the academic performance, he is in the top list. If we have 5 of such people in a local church, that congregation will not only grow, but active in many good things!


Frances Sahr Musa, Director, BVBI-G

Posted on April 24, 2018 .