Campaign results in Mbanga, Cameroon

We bring to you Calvary greetings from this end of the globe. We are doing pretty good both from our congregation and from our school of preaching in Mbanga.

We are glad to report to the world this day that the Lord is doing marvelous work in our country of Cameroon even though it is in the midst of discord. We have been wise and hard-working just like Nehemiah. Nehemiah 4:17 says, "à hand for God and a hand for work." Keep on praying for our country and the spiritual leadership in the church in Cameroon. 

We went through a successful internship with our students in which I visited some of the areas of work. Even though we are few in number, we went across 5 French speaking regions which are the Littoral, the Centre, the East, the South, and the West. The work was grandiose as the students got back safely.

The final report for this end of fourth quarter is as follows: 

  Number of of congregations that we worked in:  10

  Number of baptisms recorded: 12

  Number of persons restored: 8

How time flies! We are now in the fifth quarter and preparation towards graduation is on-going as well as a campaign for new students that is reaching from North to South and from East to West.

We also attended the youth forum in Kumba with six of our students where we actively took great part in singing, translating from English to French and in teaching lessons that maybe the speaker could not make. Evangelism was also part of our mission during the youth forum.

How good it is to be in among brethren. It was great for some of them to have experienced this.

We are still doing weekend evangelism to assist some congregations that need help from us.

Preach the Word in Season and out of Season!  Brother Giress also accompanied the students on evangelism campaigns in Mbanga and out of Mbanga. Preaching is our vocation.

Next month we will be at the preacher’s forum in Buea and the Scholarship Lectureship in Kumbo were Paul Kee is operating a school preaching.

Thanks for your great support for the work in Cameroon.

Remain blessed

From Ititi Bénédict evangelist with the church of Christ in Mbanga and director of the BVBIC school of preaching in Mbanga. 


Posted on April 24, 2018 .